The New Normal

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I didn't say it was true or I thought it was true or whatever. Like I said I couldn't find any proof of it.

Will be interesting to see what private companies do in "at will" states.
Funny we need people to work. Our borders are busting with people who want to work. Yet we can't figure out how to get them in working and paying taxes.
Labor shortage? I believe we have a shortage of people willing to work. Why work when they get paid more not to work, can’t really blame them. How can you know the people crossing the border want to work?
FYI I’m not against immigration just would like to see it done legally, so we know they want to work.
I believe we have a shortage of people willing to work.

Sounds like labor shortage to me.

We've definitely come up against the "enhanced" unemployment issue at our company. One employee's husband got pretty cranky that we offer his wife her job back. IMO it's short sighted not to take a job because unemployment pays more at this moment.

Be very interesting to see what effect the expiration of it will have. I guess we will see.
That article ^^ sites two examples where about 5% quit.
That article ^^ sites two examples where about 5% quit.
Yep, there are people who will quit. But the list of companies that are requiring vaccination or very regular testing as an alternative is getting longer. There are even a few unions supporting vaccination.

The list of colleges requiring vaccination for faculty and staff, as well as students is also growing. The alternative is usually weekly testing.

What some small business owners said to their employees is that if everyone gets vaccinated, then they wouldn't require masking at work. Of course, in a location with low vaccination rates and rampant Delta, that could change. But even if it doesn't the small business is probably less likely to have staff out for weeks with COVID-19.
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