The New Normal

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I agree with this, and I'm proud to say I got vaxed as soon as I could and I will get any booster this or that that comes along. However, I do have friends (more than a few) who are so dug in on not getting it that I have to respect them for their decision. For whatever their reasoning is I will support them. IMO all the pressure being put on the not vaxed thru TV commercials, news, and politics is making them dig in more. It's time to stop it because I think it's having a reverse effect.
I totally agree, The extreme lefts shaming, virtue signaling and even down right shit talking isn’t helping convince the extreme anti Vaccers, it totally does the opposite!

I keep saying that we are all in this great experiment, but I am starting to get tired of it.

WTF do I do about the fact that I know that one of my coworkers is unvaxxed, had a family member that died of COVID this past week, was probably in contact with a bunch of other family members because of the funeral, who I am guessing are antivax and I have another coworker that will be sitting with her in a shared space, although 6 feet apart???? At least Cornell is making masks mandatory, but I still feel like this is a complete shit show. If I were my coworker who had no idea what was going on, I would be super pissed.
Wear a mask social distance and you have virtual zero chance of catching it. You sound a little fun shy. Can't stay home forever may as well jump in.
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I totally agree, The extreme lefts shaming, virtue signaling and even down right shit talking isn’t helping convince the extreme anti Vaccers, it totally does the opposite!
How about this to convince extreme anti-vaxxers:

Most of the “leaders” of the anti-vax movement are out-of-work actors who go to rallies 5 days a week and have no visible income:

You guys are getting played:
Perfect example of what I was talking about.
How is that talking down to him?

Let’s go back to a buddy of yours who had 12 beers in 2 hours and wants to drive home. Do you just say “Great, I’ll be sitting in prison next to you!” Or do you say something like “Get a fucking Uber, Joe, Christ”
How about this to convince extreme anti-vaxxers:

Most of the “leaders” of the anti-vax movement are out-of-work actors who go to rallies 5 days a week and have no visible income:

You guys are getting played:
There is no convincing them. Just ignore.. They have their reason. I don't agree. Carry on. Nothing else you can do.
Because that's what you do
Sounds like you are talking down to me right now and acting like you are better than me.

But that’s what I expect from you. Accusing other people of doing what you do to them.

Now is about the time in our conversation where you call me a “bully” even though you have done nothing but be aggressive towards me for no reason.
You're not being a bully Mr Sensitive
TJ is correct. Read what he wrote.
Enjoy your day. I have to go buy shit ✌?
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