The New Normal

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There are about 10 words you can avoid and this thread will stay open.

If you don't like the way the is forum is run, start your own and do it differently.

TGR is the wild west, go there, do whatever, no one will care. You only get moderated there if you criticize skiers who died in an avalanche.

If we are listing reasons we got vaxxed or not, I'm not sure. Maybe I'm a sheep.

#1 I had covid, it sucked
#2 I don't think the govt is organized enough to conspire against me
#3 I don't see what "they" would gain by tricking me into getting vaxxed
#4 I guess I'm a rule follower (haha mostly) and I like not wearing a mask outdoors
#5 Seems like you have a better chance of living to retirement age if you get it
#6 Skiing is awesome, I want to ski and share chairlifts
I'm hopeful that when we need to get vaxed again (whenever that is) I don't have to drive 45 minutes to get one. That's my only bitch, and I like to bitch!
I drove an hour to get mine when appointments were hard to get in the beginning. Now I could walk 5 minutes and get one.
I think it's ironic that the antivax people who are the most likely to bitch about mask wearing and social distancing are the ones that are lengthening the time to reach herd immunity so we can do away with mask wearing and social distancing.
I waited until they called me and drove 15 mins.

All these people I knew were "workin it" getting on ten different lists. Seemed pointless to me. As long as vax wasn't being tossed in the garbage it's all good.
I waited until they called me and drove 15 mins.

All these people I knew were "workin it" getting on ten different lists. Seemed pointless to me. As long as vax wasn't being tossed in the garbage it's all good.
Mine was on my way to work. Easy peasy. I may bring my dad in for a third shot. No lines right now. Hell I think they are passing them out at the McDonald's drive though.
I think the Sabrett's hot dog guy has them.
I think it's ironic that the antivax people who are the most likely to bitch about mask wearing

True, but I got my vax asap and I bitched about wearing masks the whole entire time. I wear glasses and it pisses me off walking around with fogged up glasses!!!

Told you I like to bitch --- lol
Drove to Potsdam for mine, after skiing Gore then Whiteface. I hadn't been to Potsdam since my first retirement, but I was happy to do that drive again.

#1 I had covid, it sucked

I had it too and it was nothing. That said, I was still nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs, because my wife repeatedly would tell me people with covid can turn on a dime. That uneasy feeling def sucked.
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