The New Normal

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I only recently started working from home. I've been doing a half day home, half day in the office.

It's probably good that I did it, because I am one of two people making the decision about what to do going forward.

Regarding productivity, I do feel like I get just as much done UNLESS my daughter is home. It's harder then, because there isn't really a place for me to work.
I think productivity for wfh workers depends a lot on personality. My gf kills it working from home, even if her coworkers were in an office and she was at home she’d still probably bring in the highest amount of sales.

me? I couldn’t do it. I wouldn’t even try to do any sort of office work unless it’s for my own business. That sort of work from home? Oh man, I’d be all over the place. Busy, office work does not compute for me. It feels weird, almost like pretend “work”.
Consider it a privilege to decide wether or not to get the vaccine and then go get it.

I agree with this, and I'm proud to say I got vaxed as soon as I could and I will get any booster this or that that comes along. However, I do have friends (more than a few) who are so dug in on not getting it that I have to respect them for their decision. For whatever their reasoning is I will support them. IMO all the pressure being put on the not vaxed thru TV commercials, news, and politics is making them dig in more. It's time to stop it because I think it's having a reverse effect.
When working at my last position we could run the analytical instruments from home check on em, start and stop them, and process the data to get results for the folks who submitted samples.
Needed to prep the samples at work before putting them in the instruments.
Sometimes the samples would take days to prepare before putting them in the instrument.
It was mainly glycan analysis.

Being retired (b4 the vid) I work from home on my golf game, hitting shots into the kiddie pool.
Tis better to actually go golfing but I’ve mowed the grass shorter with a 1st cut of rough too on the par 1 course.
The rain keeps it well watered.
However, I do have friends (more than a few) who are so dug in on not getting it that I have to respect them for their decision. For whatever their reasoning is I will support them. IMO all the pressure being put on the not vaxed thru TV commercials, news, and politics is making them dig in more. It's time to stop it because I think it's having a reverse effect.
I do wonder if people would have the same opinion on other things that their friends do that are harmful to society.

“My friends think drunk driving laws are stupid, so they don’t follow them and I have to respect them for their decision”

“My buddy dumps chemicals in the stream behind his house. Whatever his reasoning is, I support him. Any pressure that the government applies just makes him dig in more”

I think that if you don’t want to mandate the vaccines, at least make it increasingly difficult to operate in society without it (require that people get tested on their own dime every week or something).
I do wonder if people would have the same opinion on other things that their friends do that are harmful to society.

“My friends think drunk driving laws are stupid, so they don’t follow them and I have to respect them for their decision”

“My buddy dumps chemicals in the stream behind his house. Whatever his reasoning is, I support him. Any pressure that the government applies just makes him dig in more”

I think that if you don’t want to mandate the vaccines, at least make it increasingly difficult to operate in society without it (require that people get tested on their own dime every week or something).
I'll sit right next to my buddies in jail ✌️
May be up to the private sector to do the encouraging.

Or maybe you make getting a vax illegal, and let the black market take over. :geek:

I heard a guy on the radio this morning, who was saying that he didn't think it was safe and that's why he held off, but now that he was getting 100 bucks, that changed everything. I don't get that.

On a more serious note, sandwiches have gotten really expensive.
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