The New Normal

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Occurs to me that in the states or counties that had a lot of community spread in multiple surges, there are probably a fair number of people getting vaccinated who actually had COVID-19 but didn't know it because they never had noticeable symptoms. That's good news because they will be better protected from re-infection and potentially infecting someone they spend a lot of time with in the coming months. What's totally unusual about SARS-CoV-2 is that people who are asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic are contagious for several days.

People with mild symptoms can easily attribute those symptoms to other reasons if they don't have a quality COVID-19 test done at an optimum time after infection. Even a quality PCR test may produce a False Negative in Days 1-2. That's the thinking behind having a second test 4-5 days after a negative test.

COVID symptom timeline.png
I don't get it - if you had the virus you still don't develop natural immunity? Yikes!!! Maybe I should get the vaccine.
I don’t think anyone really knows for sure. I had the vid early January 2020 and it rocked me. I had the post covid affects into early April. This past February I was in an enclosed vehicle for four hours with a coworker who became sick two days later. I didn’t get it again and I feel like I’ve been holding on to those antibodies. I don’t need science to feel confident saying that my immunity isn’t interested in getting the vid again.

still, I’ll be getting my second shot in two weeks. At this point I think it must be safe enough and I’m so done with pandemic protocols, I just want to move on now.
Anyone at this point who is unwilling to get the shot (other than special circumstances) who get the virus and dies I will have a hard time feeling sad for them. I feel they lack common sense and if they were removed from the gene pool it may be better in the long run.
Anyone at this point who is unwilling to get the shot (other than special circumstances) who get the virus and dies I will have a hard time feeling sad for them. I feel they lack common sense and if they were removed from the gene pool it may be better in the long run.

I feel the same way.

Sadly I have a few friends that refuse to get it.
Anyone at this point who is unwilling to get the shot (other than special circumstances) who get the virus and dies I will have a hard time feeling sad for them. I feel they lack common sense and if they were removed from the gene pool it may be better in the long run.
Boy it is nice being maskless, especially in this heat.
Boy it is nice being maskless, especially in this heat.
It feels weird. I adulted today. No mask at the landfill or farmers market, mask at the grocery store and wine shop. I just felt really, really strange not having a mask on in public.
I’ve been to the gym maskless a couple times and it felt really good. Trying to do cardio in a mask was miserable but seeing the immediate difference that ditching it made was kind of a surprise. Maybe I’ll have a shot at getting back in shape now.
It feels weird. I adulted today. No mask at the landfill or farmers market, mask at the grocery store and wine shop. I just felt really, really strange not having a mask on in public.
I'm still wearing one in the store. Easy enough to do. I think as of today, here, you are good to go anywhere if you are vaxed. I guess that is kind of pointless since anyone over the age of 18 that wants a vax probably already has one.
I’ve been to the gym maskless a couple times and it felt really good. Trying to do cardio in a mask was miserable but seeing the immediate difference that ditching it made was kind of a surprise. Maybe I’ll have a shot at getting back in shape now.
I think wearing a mask to work out would suck. That's why I am tentatively planning to go to work on the days that I jog and work from home on my yoga days, at least for the summer.
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