The New Normal

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Things can change pretty quickly. Hopefully folks in WY will figure out that getting vaccinated really is a good idea for people of any age, not just seniors.

Honestly, it wasn't that difficult to stay safe back in Dec in Jackson Hole and Grand Targhee (on a busy Saturday). Back then the locals weren't quite in a habit of masking indoors. It was easy to avoid "close contact" even when going to the restroom in one of the base buildings. I just kept moving and didn't stay in any one place for more than 5 minutes, usually less.

At least now you know that masking isn't really worth the effort outdoors.
we are fully vaccinated, hopefully that will hold some water
Vitamin D..get yourself a bottle of it and take some in the'll be surprised at the results...
That's exactly what it was.
Today was his first day back to work. He told me his brain was moving at 300mph but his body couldn't keep up. To hear him tell you his story is scary AF.
He wasn't vaxed. Is now.
My son is back at work today after quarantining for covid. He has no sense of taste or smell. Hopefully, these will pass. I hope that he follows up with a vaccine in 3 months.

It makes no sense to me. He could have been vaccinated. It's not like I have been harassing him throughout the pandemic about being safe or anything. But, I guess 23 year olds don't listen to their moms.
A while back, I had a horse that got hit with EPM. Basically, it's a neurological thing that happens when the horse is the end host of a protozoa. Where the protozoa hit the CNS depending on how the horse displayed the EPM. Taingeil could never turn to the left after EPM. He always circled to the right.

I have kind of thought of covid in the same way. You never know how it's going to hit you.
My son is back at work today after quarantining for covid. He has no sense of taste or smell. Hopefully, these will pass. I hope that he follows up with a vaccine in 3 months.

It makes no sense to me. He could have been vaccinated. It's not like I have been harassing him throughout the pandemic about being safe or anything. But, I guess 23 year olds don't listen to their moms.
I don't get it - if you had the virus you still don't develop natural immunity? Yikes!!! Maybe I should get the vaccine.
The question of the level of natural immunity is an important topic being researched. There were a few documented cases of re-infection in the news in 2020 in other countries for sure. The concern is that re-infection by a different variant is more likely. At this point number of highly contagious variants is popping up in a different continent than where they started is up to five.

The first Q&A on the CDC FAQ is about whether or not someone who recovered from COVID-19 should get vaccinated. The answer is "yes."

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