The New Normal

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That's a long way around the barn for saying you don't want the shot ?
LOL that's funny! What I was trying to say is that there may be natural solutions to beating this virus, that's all. I realize that telling vaxed people that there may be an alternative is a delicate process and I respect each person's decision to get the shot or not.

The human body is an incredible anti-viral machine as long as it has the right tools for the job. Vitamin D deficiency in particular seems to be a big problem here in the Northeast and other northern climates...go figure, we're cooped up inside w/out sunshine for 6 months out of the year.

As for the "small numbers" comment, I was referring to the published Pfizer study: ~15/15,000 vaxed people later ended up getting the virus vs. ~150/15,000 placebo people later ended up getting the virus. Huge reduction for sure but percentage wise (0.1% vs. 1.0%) it's still low for both parties. In another published pharma study the vaxed people actually had a higher incidence of infection (they explained that away through various means).

In the end, it may not be a bad idea to have a control group (no vax) for this process.
Unfortunately, WY looks like a state where the combination of dropping the statewide mask mandate relatively early and having low vaccination rates is resulting in increased number of people being hospitalized. The vaccination rates is one of the lowest and varies quite a bit by county. WY has about 600,000 people, largest city is the capital Cheyenne with about 60,000 people. The statewide mask mandate was dropped in mid-March. The number of cases starts increasing soon after. The few other restrictions geared to encourage social distancing were gone by May 21, 2021. Jackson Hole is in Teton County, which has been much more pro-active about mask usage and testing. By the time my friends and I skied at JH in Dec 2020, everyone riding lifts was pretty used to masking up consistently. But I heard from my friend who is a long-time ski instructor that the situation in town made her pretty nervous.

The WY COVID Dashboard shows the number of "recovered" cases for those that tested positive. That's about 50,000. Clearly natural immunity from community spread (detected and undetected) among younger adults isn't providing enough protection from "herd immunity" as long as vaccination rates remain well below 50%.

May 25, Casper Star Tribune (USA)
Despite plateauing infections, COVID-19 hospitalizations on rise in Wyoming
"New virus infections have been steadily low for months in Wyoming, but the number of people hospitalized with COVID-19 is on the rise.

State health officials aren’t exactly sure what’s behind the increase, but they say it’s clear that those being hospitalized are unvaccinated.

“We don’t fully understand why hospitalizations have increased over the past several weeks despite relatively stable transmission,” State Health Officer Dr. Alexia Harrist said via email Tuesday.

Fifty-eight people in Wyoming were hospitalized with COVID-19 on Monday, the most since late January. On Tuesday, the state announced that six more people had died from the virus, the most in a day since early March. All six patients were hospitalized, though one was hospitalized in another state.
. . ."

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Unfortunately, WY looks like a state where the combination of dropping the statewide mask mandate relatively early and having low vaccination rates is resulting in increased number of people being hospitalized. The vaccination rates is one of the lowest and varies quite a bit by county. WY has about 600,000 people, largest city is the capital Cheyenne with about 60,000 people. The statewide mask mandate was dropped in mid-March. The number of cases starts increasing soon after. The few other restrictions geared to encourage social distancing were gone by May 21, 2021. Jackson Hole is in Teton County, which has been much more pro-active about mask usage and testing. By the time my friends and I skied at JH in Dec 2020, everyone riding lifts was pretty used to masking up consistently. But I heard from my friend who is a long-time ski instructor that the situation in town made her pretty nervous.

The WY COVID Dashboard shows the number of "recovered" cases for those that tested positive. That's about 50,000. Clearly natural immunity from community spread (detected and undetected) among younger adults isn't providing enough protection from "herd immunity" as long as vaccination rates remain well below 50%.

May 25, Casper Star Tribune (USA)
Despite plateauing infections, COVID-19 hospitalizations on rise in Wyoming
"New virus infections have been steadily low for months in Wyoming, but the number of people hospitalized with COVID-19 is on the rise.

State health officials aren’t exactly sure what’s behind the increase, but they say it’s clear that those being hospitalized are unvaccinated.

“We don’t fully understand why hospitalizations have increased over the past several weeks despite relatively stable transmission,” State Health Officer Dr. Alexia Harrist said via email Tuesday.

Fifty-eight people in Wyoming were hospitalized with COVID-19 on Monday, the most since late January. On Tuesday, the state announced that six more people had died from the virus, the most in a day since early March. All six patients were hospitalized, though one was hospitalized in another state.
. . ."

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i'm going to there in 3 weeks
i'm going to there in 3 weeks
Things can change pretty quickly. Hopefully folks in WY will figure out that getting vaccinated really is a good idea for people of any age, not just seniors.

Honestly, it wasn't that difficult to stay safe back in Dec in Jackson Hole and Grand Targhee (on a busy Saturday). Back then the locals weren't quite in a habit of masking indoors. It was easy to avoid "close contact" even when going to the restroom in one of the base buildings. I just kept moving and didn't stay in any one place for more than 5 minutes, usually less.

At least now you know that masking isn't really worth the effort outdoors.
And yet, in my neighboring state of Montana, where the mask ordinance was dropped mid-February, cases and hospitalizations are dropping.

Now, there are two other forces at work here. Individual municipalities were not forced to abandon their mask ordinances until May. Since several of those places are tourist destinations or major Montana cities that could have been the biggest problem areas anyway, that could mean that the bulk of the spread was still contained until May.

The other issue is that vaccine acceptance is low except in the more liberal areas of the state or on the reservations (very hard hit by the virus). The state claims 43% of the population is vaccinated, but here locally the % of population is 27%. And yet our cases are down as well.

I don't know if that blip was the end of the local ordinances or maybe Easter.
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