The New Normal

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Probability isn’t that simple. If most people vaccinate your chance of exposure is reduced as well as your chance of getting sick once exposed. If no one vaccinates everyone is eventually exposed. So 2% is 7 million Americans. Also any number of chronically sick people.
Probability isn’t that simple. If most people vaccinate your chance of exposure is reduced as well as your chance of getting sick once exposed. If no one vaccinates everyone is eventually exposed. So 2% is 7 million Americans. Also any number of chronically sick people.

A conclusion related to a vaccine's effectiveness or safety that should be based on a statistical analysis based on a statistical plan put in place beforehand. Context matters too. That's one reason that the FDA requires that the primary clinical trial for a vaccine is done in the U.S. Trials in other countries are supportive, but not sufficient. After a vaccine is approved, data about side effects and deaths are collected but isn't nearly as rigorous as the monitoring done of subjects in a clinical trial.

In the case of the COVID vaccines, the real world data from places where vaccination rates are over 50% are pretty clear. Fewer hospitalizations and fewer deaths within a few weeks, with most of the hospitalizations being of people who weren't vaccinated.

The new term lately is "breakthrough infections." Like what happened for the NY Yankees because all MLB teams are being tested regularly. No cluster beyond the team. Mostly no symptoms with two having mild symptoms.

I believe you proved my point.
And you've proved mine.

Not good enough for you I got the vaccine, I have to want it and like it as well.
It is no wonder so many folks just don't want it at all. Who wants to be nagged and henpecked even after doing the right thing?
The number of help wanted signs around town is staggering. I don't mean those little ones in the window either. Big ass banners staked in the ground. Finding a job isn't an issue, if someone wants to work.
Jobs are a plenty. Jobs that pay enough to actually live comfortably and pay off student loan debt? not so much.

it seems like people are getting squeezed so tightly that there’s a loss of hope for a lot of younger folks.
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Here's another good reason to get the vax.

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