The New Normal

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I do
My uncle got hit by lightning while playing golf -- true story
I still play golf
So does he

What happened to him?

Statistically, now, I'd think he would be in good shape.
What happened to him?

Statistically, now, I'd think he would be in good shape.

He and my dad were playing when the horn sounded for everyone to come in due to a storm in the area. They dumped their clubs under a tree, while walking back to the clubhouse lightning had struck the ground near them both, It knocked my uncle to the ground, unconscious. My dad hightailed it to the clubhouse for help. When they got back he was alert and had zero clue what had happened. They took him to the hospital to get checked out, found nothing too major. He did have some burns. Doc said he was one luck mo-fo.
When I was in my twenties, I rented an apartment in a dump of a building in the Bronx. One day, I was taking a shower and the shower head came off and hit me in the head. The pipe had corroded to the point where the water pressure was enough to break it. Pretty low probability event. I don’t know anybody else who e er experienced it. Well, a year later I moved into a dumpy little cottage in Mohegan Lake. The exact same thing happened again. I was astounded. What are the odds of seeing that twice? I don’t know. I still take showers- almost every day.
He and my dad were playing when the horn sounded for everyone to come in due to a storm in the area. They dumped their clubs under a tree, while walking back to the clubhouse lightning had struck the ground near them both, It knocked my uncle to the ground, unconscious. My dad hightailed it to the clubhouse for help. When they got back he was alert and had zero clue what had happened. They took him to the hospital to get checked out, found nothing too major. He did have some burns. Doc said he was one luck mo-fo.
Amazing . I had a former Dean at the college now deceased who was a cracker jack , a great guy he is now deceased . Poor guy WAS HIT TWICE with lighting,once on beach on Lake Ontario ' the other incident while mowing his lawn . He survived both with little physical effects

BUT We broke his balls unmercifully for the rest of his life .

his name was .......WRIGHT , and when the students were not around we'd bust on him calling him "Dean WRONG. ? :usually with the tag line " ah hell you aint' been RIGHT since you got lit up"

.. I worked with some REAL ball breakers , great peeps but serious ball busters. Trust me he got his shots back on us many times ??
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Amazing . I had a former Dean at the college now deceased who was a cracker jack , a great guy he is now deceased . Poor guy WAS HIT TWICE with lighting,once on beach on Lake Ontario ' the other incident while mowing his lawn . He survived both with little physical effects

BUT We broke his balls unmercifully for the rest of his life .

his name was .......WRIGHT , and we'd bust on him calling Dean WRONG whenever the students were not around .. I worked with some REAL ball breakers , great peeps but serious ball busters
You fit right in with them! ?
He and my dad were playing when the horn sounded for everyone to come in due to a storm in the area. They dumped their clubs under a tree, while walking back to the clubhouse lightning had struck the ground near them both, It knocked my uncle to the ground, unconscious. My dad hightailed it to the clubhouse for help. When they got back he was alert and had zero clue what had happened. They took him to the hospital to get checked out, found nothing too major. He did have some burns. Doc said he was one luck mo-fo.
shoulda just held up his two iron, even god can't hit a two iron....

I went to the Farmer's Market (outside) and Walgreens last night. Everyone was wearing masks, except for one guy who had his mask around his neck. I kind of think that he may just have forgotten to pull it up.

I will probably continue to wear my mask indoors for a little bit to see how the numbers go. Classes at both Cornell and Ithaca College ended last week, which were probably accompanied by a few parties. Both schools are both hosting in person commencements on Memorial Day weekend. In order to attend Cornell's, you have to have either proof of vaccine or a negative COVID test prior to commencement. Each student is given two guest tickets, but you know that there will be other people coming along for the celebration, even if they can't attend the ceremony.

Even though I am fully vaccinated with Pfizer, I think I am still going to be a little bit careful for a while, at least inside and near crowds.
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