The New Normal

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Hindsight is 20/20 of course but I think England’s approach to vaccination will ultimately prove to be the right one.
Are you thinking about focusing on giving 1st doses to as many people as possible and delaying 2nd doses? Keep in mind that the size of the population, having a national distribution process (by the UK National Health Service), and the mix of vaccines are quite different in the UK. In addition to Pfizer and Moderna (starting in April), the UK based their vaccination program on Astra-Zeneca, for which the second dose doesn't happen in 3-4 weeks any way.

Population of the UK is about 67 million. There are about 15 million New England, 30 million in the mid-Atlantic (includes NY, VA, WV), plus another 26 million for NC and SC. Combined that's about the equivalent population. Total for the US is 330 million.
Yes. I’m sure it would be harder for us to implement but we also have much greater resources then the UK. Unless I’m mistaken they also prioritized people that hadn’t had covid yet.
I think we did it properly. Now getting the nay sayers to get it done. A lot will jump on board when they get the you can't come to ... If you don't have a shot. The others will just get covid and hopefully get over it.
Yes. I’m sure it would be harder for us to implement but we also have much greater resources then the UK. Unless I’m mistaken they also prioritized people that hadn’t had covid yet.
Hmm, hadn't heard that. From what I can find the eligibility was based on age and underlying medical conditions for the general public. Health care and essential workers were first priority.

There were U.S. states that emphasized getting seniors over 65 vaccinated well before opening up to younger age bracket. Maine went with age only and didn't bother with all the other possible categories. Some states worked from early on to get people without transportation vaccinated in their homes. As with everything with the pandemic, lots of variation between regions and states, or even between counties.

Alrighty now!!!

That's good news, but I wonder how the science deniers respond. I assume they will just stop wearing masks as well. I'm good with letting anti-vaxxers put each other at risk, but what about unvaccinated children? The best outcome here is that the effectiveness of vaccination becomes obvious without a major outbreak.

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