The New Normal

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Guess proof is in the pudding
Had a sales meeting at another company today and was relieved that no mask wearing was required...almost seemed normal for a change. Nine people sitting around a table discussing sales strategies, naked faces smiling, frowning, etc. I left the meeting with some hope that we'll get back to the Old Normal sometime soon.

On another matter, the thought of giving children an experimental vaccine sickens me.
Had a sales meeting at another company today and was relieved that no mask wearing was required...almost seemed normal for a change. Nine people sitting around a table discussing sales strategies, naked faces smiling, frowning, etc. I left the meeting with some hope that we'll get back to the Old Normal sometime soon.

On another matter, the thought of giving children an experimental vaccine sickens me.
Give me a break.. M rna vac has been in development for almost 10 yrs... here's a blurb about the polio vac...this was 70 yrs ago. I think we test better today..

the first effective polio vaccine was developed in 1952 by Jonas Salk and a team at the University of Pittsburgh that included Julius Youngner, Byron Bennett, L. James Lewis, and Lorraine Friedman, which required years of subsequent testing. Salk went on CBS radio to report a successful test on a small group of adults and children on 26 March 1953; two days later, the results were published in JAMA.[57] Leone N. Farrell invented a key laboratory technique that enabled the mass production of the vaccine by a team she led in Toronto.[65][66] Beginning 23 February 1954, the vaccine was tested at Arsenal Elementary School and the Watson Home for Children in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.[67]
Had a sales meeting at another company today and was relieved that no mask wearing was required...almost seemed normal for a change. Nine people sitting around a table discussing sales strategies, naked faces smiling, frowning, etc. I left the meeting with some hope that we'll get back to the Old Normal sometime soon.

It's interesting that TX did away with mask mandates back in March and their numbers have done nothing but decline, just like ours.
As someone who wears glasses, I am so ready to be done with masks.
... the thought of giving children an experimental vaccine sickens me.
In some sense everything in life is an experiment, but there's a difference between "emergency" and "experimental." COVID vaccines were approved on an emergency basis, but that doesn't imply that safety criteria were changed or ignored. The emergency process allowed the steps of the approval process to proceed concurrently, rather than the normal finish one, wait for approval, go on to the next, repeat. The stepwise process was developed because each step is costly, and going one step at a time limits possible losses. The emergency process was only possible because the government guaranteed much of the cost.
I don't know of any evidence that mRNA vaccines are riskier than other vaccines, but the risk of a COVID infection, or even spreading an infection, seem much worse than the risk of chicken pox, or even measles, which children are already required to be vaccinated for. What's the risk of losing one or two years of in-person school and socialization?
Even if children don't typically get serious COVID disease, as long as there is a large number of unvaccinated people it is only a matter of time before a vaccine-resistant variant emerges that rips through elimentary schools the way the flu did in 1958. That's where where ignorant vaccine fear will take us.

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It's interesting that TX did away with mask mandates back in March and their numbers have done nothing but decline, just like ours.
As someone who wears glasses, I am so ready to be done with masks.
There are studies being done on a regular basis in the UK using antibody tests to get a sense of the what percentage of people have antibodies related to fighting off COVID-19. Those can be detected whether a person has had COVID-19, perhaps without knowing it, or has been vaccinated. The estimates are between 40-60% with some regional differences for the testing period in late April.

The detected case numbers in TX in 2020 and early 2021 were quite high. The likelihood is that the actual numbers were undoubtedly much higher given the surges in hospitalization and death numbers. I would guess that the prevalence of antibodies may be higher there than in NY and New England. Vaccination is not the only way to build up to "herd immunity" within a community. It's the best way to achieve the goal without a lot of people getting sick with COVID-19 and high numbers of avoidable deaths.
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