The New Normal

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One of the things I am most frustrated with in the US is that there’s been zero effort to determine how many unvaccinated people have the antibodies. I understand that we don’t 100% understand the level of immunity they provide but I haven’t seen anybody make a convincing case that they don’t provide some level of immunity. Even a vaccinated person MIGHT still get it but the likelihood is low enough for me to ignore.
One of the things I am most frustrated with in the US is that there’s been zero effort to determine how many unvaccinated people have the antibodies. I understand that we don’t 100% understand the level of immunity they provide but I haven’t seen anybody make a convincing case that they don’t provide some level of immunity. Even a vaccinated person MIGHT still get it but the likelihood is low enough for me to ignore.
I've read there are like 10,000 confirmed cases of a vaccinated person getting Covid. Those are damn good odds considering there are what? 150-200 million people vaccinated.
I've read there are like 10,000 confirmed cases of a vaccinated person getting Covid. Those are damn good odds considering there are what? 150-200 million people vaccinated.
Hindsight is 20/20 of course but I think England’s approach to vaccination will ultimately prove to be the right one.
I don't have kids, thank gawd for that, but if I did I would listen to my family Doc and go on their advise.
Vaccines are arguably the most important achievement of medical science. Anyone who doesn't believe in science has no business in the medical professions. I've been asking all my doctors if they will get vaccinated. I'm gonna fire all the ones who won't vaccinate, even if their practice has nothing to do with infectious diseases.

One thing I can't wrap my head around is the outrage, by some, over schools requiring vaccination for enrollment. I mean, this isn't anything new. Schools have required vaccinations for what, 100 years or so?

Perhaps people are getting hung up on the word "required." I'm pretty sure there are provisions for most, if not all, schools that allow for exceptions for the standard childhood vaccinations. The vaccination rate has never been 100% for all kids for any vaccine. Not all of the unvaccinated kids are homeschooled.

With COVID-19, there was the option for a few months of a "medical exemption" related to mask usage people who boarded planes. But didn't take long for all the airports and airlines to decide that it was clear too many people were taking advantage of the loophole and the risk to their employees was too high. Plus to risk of a potential outbreak (2+ cases) or a cluster (5+ cases) being traced back to a flight. Had that ever happened, the U.S. airline industry would've completely come to a halt for weeks or months.
One of the things I am most frustrated with in the US is that there’s been zero effort to determine how many unvaccinated people have the antibodies. I understand that we don’t 100% understand the level of immunity they provide but I haven’t seen anybody make a convincing case that they don’t provide some level of immunity. Even a vaccinated person MIGHT still get it but the likelihood is low enough for me to ignore.
There were a few antibody studies done in 2020, but once things went out of control in the late fall that seemed to be relegated to back burner status. I think most of the studies were for very small populations. Would've been nice to do proper sampling on a few of the large college campuses that actually had dorms open and in-person classes. With comparison to colleges that went completely virtual for at least a full semester.

Here's a report from Nov 2020 that was based on "convenience" samples from July through September 2020. About 175,000 samples were analyzed from all 50 states, DC, and Puerto Rico. The situation as of March 2021 after the surges in Nov-Jan was probably quite different in many areas of the U.S.

Yeah, I’m gonna get my 14 year old the vaccine as soon as possible.
Us too.

The kids at our school seem take the science behind all of it at face value, don't question it, wear their masks, want a vaccine, whatever.

To me they don't seem too worried about the future, they just want to get back to "dating."

Now the gas shortage is different... "omg dad am I going to be able to get to gymnastics?!?"
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