Poll: The Impact of the Epic Pass

What is the impact of the Epic Pass?

  • • I don't have an Epic Pass.

  • • I have an Epic Pass because it was the best option for me.

  • • I have an Epic Pass because my mountain is a Vail mountain.

  • I don't see any impact of the Epic Pass, positive or negative.

  • Epic is good for skiers.

  • Epic is bad for skiers.

  • Epic is good for member mountains.

  • Epic is bad for member mountains.

  • Epic is good for the ski business longterm.

  • Epic is bad for the ski business longterm.

  • Epic is good for skiing.

  • It's not that it's evil, it's just that it's bad.

Results are only viewable after voting.
We're seeing the beginning effects of a monopoly. I don't know what constitutes US antitrust violations but seems they are moving forward creating an effective monopoly. What irks me is a lot of mountains operate on public lands.
I hate to say it but it might be time to start sending some emails to your state and federal representatives about concerns of the Vail monopoly. I really have no experience in this area and I'm probably pissing in the wind, but I think I may contact my reps. The more people voice the concern seems could be better.
As I've said in other threads, the duopoly effect is a natural side effect of the economic systems we live in here in the US. It runs rampant across many industries and is coming fast to those sectors where it is not already prevalent. BlackRock & Vanguard are at the controls not your state and federal reps.
As I've said in other threads, the duopoly effect is a natural side effect of the economic systems we live in here in the US. It runs rampant across many industries and is coming fast to those sectors where it is not already prevalent.
Vail’s new CEO was in a leadership position @ Pepsi.
She knows Cola Wars and may not be out for skiings best interests and/or health.
Knows marketing, distribution, sellin shit to masses? Yup.
it might be time to start sending some emails to your state and federal representatives about concerns of the Vail monopoly.
I agree, problem is they probably all have Epic passes.
Vail’s new CEO was in a leadership position @ Pepsi.
She knows Cola Wars and may not be out for skiings best interests and/or health.
Knows marketing, distribution, sellin shit to masses? Yup.

Yup-- someone whom built a career peddling shitty carbonated sugarwater to the masses.

As I've said in other threads, the duopoly effect is a natural side effect of the economic systems we live in here in the US. It runs rampant across many industries and is coming fast to those sectors where it is not already prevalent. BlackRock & Vanguard are at the controls not your state and federal reps.
Well there are Anti Trust laws and companies have been broken apart, heavily fined, forced to partially divest etc. This is initiated by our Representatives and the courts. While I have no confidence in any our Reps doing the right thing for constitutes, we can't complain if we don't ask.

I agree, problem is they probably all have Epic passes.

Probably all comped too.
Vail now owns 6/7 ski areas in southern PA and 8/19 public areas in the state. While I think this is the closest to a critical mass as in any state, I wouldn't quite say monopoly yet because there are still options in neighboring states, and smaller operations within the state, but they are as a whole farther away from most people. And as was mentioned, it is annoying that 1 of those areas they just bought near Pittsburgh is actually a state park contracted out - maybe they will switch the contractor for that area eventually.
Vail now owns 6/7 ski areas in southern PA and 8/19 public areas in the state. While I think this is the closest to a critical mass as in any state, I wouldn't quite say monopoly yet because there are still options in neighboring states, and smaller operations within the state, but they are as a whole farther away from most people. And as was mentioned, it is annoying that 1 of those areas they just bought near Pittsburgh is actually a state park contracted out - maybe they will switch the contractor for that area eventually.
Do you have the names of any the ski areas you're talking about? The more detail I can include in my email the better.
Do you have the names of any the ski areas you're talking about? The more detail I can include in my email the better.
Roundtop, Liberty, Whitetail, Jack Frost, Big Boulder, 7 Springs, Hidden Valley, Laurel Mountain (State Park).

The only thing I could see changing honestly is the state trying to find a different contractor for Laurel, which Vail probably doesn't really want anyway unless they are trying to keep a monopoly on Pittsburgh. It's a neat but very small and weird little area that they got bundled with 7 springs.

This map has all the major ski areas in the state, I consider Big Bear private (open to public) since it is owned and primarily patronized by an HOA. https://www.dcski.com/resorts/
Today’s gong show (1030am local):


They just need to invest in a few more 10-person gondolas, and it will be the experience of a lifetime™️. Nothing a few more passes sold in the northeast can’t pay for ;)
One of my biggest gripes with Vail is that they have raised the cost of entry into the sport so much. It is hard to bring a friend or kid to your local Vail hill because of how expensive they have made day tickets, rentals, and lessons. They also effectively neutered the PA state 4th and 5th grade ski pass by withdrawing all of their areas, they stopped doing group sales for school clubs at their mountains, and they made night skiing really expensive, barely cheaper than skiing during the day. These are all programs that get kids and younger adults into the sport. Not only that, but it furthers the public perception that skiing is a rich white bro's sport. Other operations like Spring Mountain (Run by the local ski shop), Montage, and Shawnee are trying to continue a lot of these programs to keep the skiing population steady, but it's unfortunate if your local hill happens to be Epic.
Jesus. I didn't know half of that. You're speaking my language though.
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