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15.1 hand connemara/tb cross. This guy has given me a run for my money, including screws and plates to stabilize a fractured L1 after a crash and burn.
Jeez, you are very forgiving. How old was he when that happened, how old now?
Love that song snd that is a really cool version. Funky intro is hot. I dont know Nathan I'll have to check him out.
Check out he and Claptons version of Cocaine done atRoyal Albert Hall it is the quintessential freakin awesome best version EVAH . I try and post it up here Nathan is a Bass Master NOT that kind Campy ??

Play this puppy a lot , its an anthem song. Turn the volume up and Check out Nathan's extended intro with Clapton it is Saweeeeet
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He was 3. He's 12 now.
Really, it wasn't his fault. He spooked sideways, and I failed to stay on and "sat down hard" as my son put it back then. When I came off again a couple of weeks ago, we ran the numbers. I guesstimated that I average 280 days a year on my horse. Over the nine years since I started him, I have come off four times. That averages a 0.15 percent fall rate, or 1.5 falls per 1000 rides. That seems reasonable. ;)

He has just been really mouthy and opinionated. I can finally give him a kiss on the nose without worrying about losing my face. Now, the mouthiness is just him putting his lips on things. If he actually makes contact with me with his his teeth, he knows he has gone too far, puts his head up and backs himself up. All in all, he is a good boy and I enjoy him. :)
Really, it wasn't his fault. He spooked sideways, and I failed to stay on and "sat down hard" as my son put it back then. When I came off again a couple of weeks ago, we ran the numbers. I guesstimated that I average 280 days a year on my horse. Over the nine years since I started him, I have come off four times. That averages a 0.15 percent fall rate, or 1.5 falls per 1000 rides. That seems reasonable. ;)

He has just been really mouthy and opinionated. I can finally give him a kiss on the nose without worrying about losing my face. Now, the mouthiness is just him putting his lips on things. If he actually makes contact with me with his his teeth, he knows he has gone too far, puts his head up and backs himself up. All in all, he is a good boy and I enjoy him. :)
I understand. You can’t hold anything a 3 yr old horse does against him for very long. The poor guy didn’t know what he was doing, was probably still growing at that point. When I worked with horses I never knew any that were even a little bit TB but I heard they were pretty high strung. I only did it for two summers and came off twice over that time so I don’t think your record is anything to be ashamed of. I have had them jump sideways on me so I know what that feels like too. You’re sitting on a horse and then an instant later you’re mid air next to a horse. It’s not like riding a bike.
You’re sitting on a horse and then an instant later you’re mid air next to a horse. It’s not like riding a bike.
so not THAT different from mountain biking lol!