New Member Intro

I'm Karen. Really, no really. I never ask to speak to the managers. I don't have the haircut. My hair is actually long and has "platinum highlights" according to my hair dresser, which is a nice way to say that there are lots of white hairs. I like to identify more with Karen in Frosty the Snowman than in the memes.

I live outside of Ithaca, and ski at Greek Peak. Nothing matches on my ski gear, and I ski very slowly, with this vague hope of staying upright. As someone on one of my horse forums says, "I suck. But, I will keep trying, and eventually, I will suck less." That's my goal. :)

(The ears in my avatar belong to Draco. He's a good boy, most days.)
Hey WP , you ain't no Karen. You're one of us , and hell some might say that's worse ???. Nah we know , you're good peeps and have added to the fun here .

Carry on ! And give dat pony boy some oats !!
Hey WP , you ain't no Karen. You're one of us , and hell some might say that's worse of???. Nah we know , you're good peeps and have added to the fun here .

Carry on ! And give dat pony boy some oats !!
Every once in a while, I think about trying the online dating thing. My son said "Ma, you have two things against you. You are a horse girl and you are a Karen." That cracked me up and still makes me laugh. I have no problem with either one. :)

Oh, and PS, then I consider the freedom I have and go running the other way!

And thanks, Warp Daddy. I lurked on this forum for a couple of years before joining. I didn't use to participate a lot, but now it feels like a friendly place. :)
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IME it takes a special woman to thrive in a ski forum WP.
Truth Harv , the ladies are always welcome to join this band of merry makers . Its all about the love of the sport , sharing info , busting chops and having fun with others of like mind .

So LURKERS :: don't be bashful , jump in and let the fun begin
Truth Harv , the ladies are always welcome to join this band of merry makers . Its all about the love of the sport , sharing info , busting chops and having fun with others of like mind .

So LURKERS :: don't be bashful , jump in and let the fun begin
Still slicing the Axe, Warp?
Still slicing the Axe, Warp?
Oh hell yas ,daily my man ,it is great therapy .

Been playing alot of stuff from the 70's and 80's ( my fav decades for sounds ) on my newer strat style axe . Its mondo lighter in weight. Today i was werkin on Can't find my way home , Clapton and Nathan East version . Love Nathan East awesome bass guy

Love playing The Les Paul Standard but it is a beast , awesome phat sound , but man its a heavy sucker , so now i use a stool whn plqying that one