New Member Intro

Holy crap, what took you so long? Where have you been?
I felt my contributions had devolved into snark, memes and politicrap, and that they were only appreciated by a tiny minority of the gang. I’ve been gone from NY longer than I was ever there.

Been laying low. Who really needs another place to listen to people bash Epic and Ikon, and all these newbie flatlanders at the trail heads, anyway??
New member. I currently live in Putnam County NY, but grew up a half hour from Hunter and Windham (and Plattekill for that matter) and never skied until I went away to college. Graduated, moved for work, had kids and got fat. This winter, 30 years later, I finally got back out there, this time with my daughter. She absolutely loved it, and I had forgotten just how great it was. I was looking for info and found this site. Its awesome. Hopefully I can contribute something worthwhile at some point. Still trying to figure out how the heck some of you guys ski 30-40 days per year!
Hey, joining the bus a little late but I've got to get out of the spectator bubble! I'm fortunate to have Whiteface as my main mountain with some trips to Gore as well. I am a college student but am remote from home this year so I have had a decent opportunity to get some good skiing in this season. Aiming at 55 days for the of today am at 47.
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30 to 40 days...hmm...I just get in the car and go..I have a lot of vacation time to burn every year. Might hit 48 this year
Bob ..old guy from Pa. This forum is the closest thing to joining a Plattekill cult so I'm in. Started skiing 46 yrs ago.... I just read what I typed ....damn time flies. Fortunately I still have 90% of my knees yet . I often need a beer and a nap at lunch while skiing, I recharge quickly . I can keep up with the 20 somethings (in my mind ) but not all day .
Off season I like to fly sailplanes.
like the profile pic too! single b is one of my winter fav's, dub was awesome. Were you able to score any double nectar? I hope they manage that better next year