In Memory Of...

RIP Michael Hamilton.
We lost one of our hunting camp crew earlier this year. Such a great man, we will all miss him.
Yesterday was his celebration of life with full military service. I knew Mitch was a Marine and served in Vietnam, but that's it. He never talked about it. During the reading of his DD214 we learned of all the medals on honors he received while active in the USMC. The man had received 3 combat medals. That really struck me, I kinda lost it. When the Marine knelt down in front of his wife and presented her his flag I really lost it, as did most there. The final goodbye.
Then the celebration started. We're good at that!!! I'm ✌️
We lost one of our hunting camp crew earlier this year. Such a great man, we will all miss him.
Yesterday was his celebration of life with full military service. I knew Mitch was a Marine and served in Vietnam, but that's it. He never talked about it. During the reading of his DD214 we learned of all the medals on honors he received while active in the USMC. The man had received 3 combat medals. That really struck me, I kinda lost it. When the Marine knelt down in front of his wife and presented her his flag I really lost it, as did most there. The final goodbye.
Then the celebration started. We're good at that!!! I'm ✌️
Aw man REAL men cry when they are deeply moved ! You ARE a fine man and no doubt a good friend of Mitch . Hey i know the feeling .

I just lost another former colleague from the college yesterday , another GOOD man i guess when you reach a certain age it seems to be a weekly occurance as of late
Ok this is NOT meant to prostelytize at all, simply to illustrate a point : but years ago during a retreat a Passionist priest told us this : " many think they are incapable of coming anywhere near emulating or being capable of The suffering of Calvary , the Passion and Crucifixtion , well YOUR personal Calvary IS GETTING OLD and graciously dealing with suffering " .......... Boy even tho i was maybe 40 at the time That resonated with me

Just the journey of aging and all that comes with it really tests our meddle

With Pittsburgh trailing 7-6 and facing fourth-and-10 from their own 40 yard line and 22 seconds remaining in the fourth quarter, Bradshaw drifted back and threw deep to running back Frenchy Fuqua. Fuqua and Oakland defensive back Jack Tatum collided, sending the ball careening back toward midfield in the direction of Harris.

While nearly everyone else on the field stopped, Harris kept his legs churning, snatching the ball just inches above the Three Rivers Stadium turf near the Oakland 45 then outracing several stunned Raider defenders to give the Steelers their first playoff victory in the franchise’s four-decade history.

I always loved Curt Gowdy, and especially his call on this play.
this is so sad..I didn't realize he was that young...i remember watching the game too