In Memory Of...

Elizabeth Reed.

(Not to belittle the somber nature of this thread, but it is what I first thought when I saw it).
This guy was named Bob. I never really knew him, but he was well loved at Gore.



He loaded the old Sunway double, a good chair for people who were just beyond beginner.

Back in Nov 2011 I had my only real experience with him. It was fun.

I was riding the Sunway chair waiting my daughter's lesson to end. I had 40 bucks in my pocket, for a instructor tip. (Usually gave 20, forgot why I had 40 this time.) Somehow I lost both bills. (Camp knows... I lose shit!)

So the lesson ends, and I'm quietly cursing as I go BACK to my wallet for more cash. We say goodbye to Erin the instructor and I start to load the Sunway Chair again. On a whim I said to Bob ... "this is probably a ridiculous question but did you find $40 bucks on the ground?"

Bob said: "What denomination?"

Me: "Two twenties."

And he hands me the money, This is all happening in the time it took to load the chair. (It moved really slow but still, I'm transacting here!) As we are pulling away I say to him: "You take half!" I reached back and slapped one in his palm and he smiles big. That was so much fun. I looked at the guy who shared the chair with me and we both said ... "Did that just happen?"

Bob passed a few years later.

RIP Bob.
Milo, I'm sorry to hear about your cousin. May he rest in peace.
Milo my condolences , remember the good times you shared , may he RIP ??
We had a sad occurrance last weekend .I lost my great ski and golf buddy and friend "Plimps"

Those that know me have heard of my Infamous RED Group ( Retired Extremely Dangerous ) ski whackjobs who held annual Ski weeks at Tremblant yearly and other weekly excursuons for over the last 20 -25 years .

These guys were all great skiers and or Hockey Pucks for Dartmouth or St Lawrence and then there was me ,the young snot ?in the group 10 yrs younger ,who learned by following them down the hill.

Well " Plimps " a former Slu puck pusher and registrar at the college i presided at , LOST his battle with life at 87 . He was a guy who was always in tremendous shape having worked out daily until his last month . Our kids were teammates in high school and competed against each other in college .

I miss this Iconic , high school then college administrator , former coach ,fellow medical center board member and most of all friend . He was a GIVER , A DOER , one who made the community and his friends and students much better .One of his former players , a man who did extremely well just endowed a full scholarship to college in Plimp's honor .

RIP Plimps , ur the best
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