Well, if you think about it, it shines a light on what is traditionally been one of the most underpaid positions at any ski hill. The job, or, function, if you like, because it's hard to build a career on that income, requires a lot of skill and dedication after a lot of training. But, they were always easily replaceable, because there has always been a big pool of people of all ages who would love to do it. I would, but, I don't even have EMT skills, to start, and I really don't want to dig up mats for a few seasons at the bottom of the seniority rung just to be accepted, for minimum or a little more wage. On a powder day. That would make me question my life's decision, for sure. That and telling park bro brah brats to slow down and not be assholes (in a professional manner, of course).
So, any way, take whatever benefits from these guys one year, and then get into a situation where they are sick the next, and suddenly they aren't lining up at the door for the job. I wouldn't.