Hunter didn't open today.

What does "excluded from work" mean?
I’m sure it means that patrol staff who may not have been sick were prohibited from coming to work based on health survey questions and their close contacts. In my company anyone going into an office has to fill out a daily health questionnaire. Same for my son going to school. Same for Hunter/Vail. Depending upon your answers you may not be cleared to go.
Unfortunately Vail is a big company, their leaderships' main concern is the bottom line, ROSHE. Return on Share holder equity!
There is a reason why there are bumper stickers that say: "Vail Sucks".

You're still thinking this is Covid related, huh? If it were Covid related they would have mentioned that. "Excluded from work" is lawyerspeak that means nothing.
Companies want all employees to be very transparent. They want to know where you been what are you doing. Yet when someone does get hit with the virus they tell you nothing and it mums the word. Pisses me off to no end. I mean if you don't know who got sick how can you determine if you have been exposed. Yeah I know Hippa. If I ever meet that ducker I am going to kick him in the nut sack.
Were the snowmakers out all week too? Still nothing on Hunter West and half the "fun" stuff on the main mountain is still closed. Prioritizing Hunter North over Hunter West is simply foolish.
Wow, it gets worse. I was checking out Facebook, and this guy drove all the way up, hoping he can get a reservation in the parking lot, and this happens:

Whoops, open up the right image first.


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You're still thinking this is Covid related, huh? If it were Covid related they would have mentioned that. "Excluded from work" is lawyerspeak that means nothing.
In the pre-COVID world I’d have agreed with not so much. Keeping employees “safe” in the COVID world has complicated things, greatly, at least for my company. And we are fortunate enough to be able to work from home. And we generally don’t have direct contact with customers. For a ski hill (or any other business) where people have to work closely together, and have contact with customers, it’s got to be even more difficult. I’ve spent a lot of time with our labor compliance, legal, and HR teams putting screening systems in place and adjusting policy on who can and cannot come to work (yes, people are “excluded” from doing so) under certain circumstances, and what that all means for labor charging, use of PTO and/or excused absences, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc.......etc., etc. Same for my wife, where having contact with students and dealing with what contact tracing means for when and where (remote, in person) they can or can’t teach, and when they do or don’t have to take sick leave, and how much they will be paid if they do or don’t use sick leave under certain conditions, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc......etc., etc. It’s a mess.

That particular mess isn’t Vail’s fault. What is Vail’s fault is creating a labor situation where employees aren’t committed to helping the company navigate their way through that mess.

However, employees (or students) definitely can be excluded from going to school or work if they don’t pass a screening or have been identified through contact tracing as someone who may have been exposed, it’s definitely a thing.
Wow, it gets worse.
That does seem messed up, if they are truly selling day tickets while blocking pass holders.

That said, with what COVID has meant for skiing, and especially for Hunter right now given the events this week, I sure as shit wouldn’t have driven two hours (four r/t) without a reservation in hand.
I didn't even bother thinking of skiing because I knew it would be crowded and sold out and the conditions are still sucky after that rain. I considered Plattekill, but, again, not for groomers. But, I sympathize with the guy. I'm going nuts with boredom now that biking is basically shut down, and there's nothing else to do.