Gore Mountain Conditions


You’re posing a false choice. No one disagrees that the double had to be replaced with a reliable lift. But the replacement only added 800 feet of a trail that is not much more interesting than Tannery while obscuring the best views of the High Peaks, leaving lift riders more wind exposed, damaging Dark Side and adding more area to cover with snow. You get to skate over to Straightbrook but maybe you lose a weekend in the spring.

Still beating that dead horse.
Even if they replaced that unreliable, 50+ year old, Frankenstein Riblet/Ctek double with another double, they still would have had to do what they did to the 50 years of growth on the lift line. They also needed to get that lift back to the top for flow and access to the top (especially when the gondola is down), like it was prior to 1995.

You are embarrassing yourself conflating this season's lack of snowmaking at the top of Cloud with the High Peaks Quad returning back to the top of Gore.
As a new Gore skier I was not fully aware of the history of the High Peaks lift. Was the basic trade-off getting people a bit closer to the top of Straightbrook at the cost of ruining part of the liftline run?
Going to the top obscured some of the views of the High Peaks. ORDA is required to consider visual impacts but the environmental impact study only said “you can’t see much of the lift from the road. “ The would not be acceptable near a lake that was subject to the same rules and it shouldn’t be at a ski area either.
The damage to the Dark Side partly due to greater clearances for a quad but much more because of poor construction practices. I’m sure they are supposed to remove construction debris and restore grades but they didn’t do any of that. They built a road to upgrade a power line in my neighborhood a few years ago and a year later the only noticeable change was the new pylons.

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They also needed to get that lift back to the top for flow and access to the top (especially when the gondola is down), like it was prior to 1995.

You are embarrassing yourself conflating this season's lack of snowmaking at the top of Cloud with the High Peaks Quad returning back to the top of Gore.
It’s easier and maybe even faster to get to straightbrook from the old double by Headwaters than to skate across the top. But it is all about snowmaking and where they spend their money. They continually do things that require more snow but snowmaking never catches up. Belleayre was the only ORDA area that got 100% open on snowmaking trails this. The competition only Wild Air glacier feels like a fuck you to passholders. I ski black trails at Windham most years in early December when Gore is still Ruby to Showcase.

I’m extra cranky to day because I’m trapped at the beach in an hotel room because I ate something nasty earlier.

Regardless of the reasoning it is always a bummer when cool terrain is lost. Down in my home area in the mid-atlantic we used to have this great narrow run that was separated from a wider slope by a line of trees. When it snowed the snow really piled up nicely. 20 years ago or so mgmt decided to cut down the trees to make a single wide slope. I believe the justification was that they wanted to host bigger race events and wanted to be able to set up a GS course, which of course has never happened.
It’s easier and maybe even faster to get to straightbrook from the old double by Headwaters than to skate across the top. But it is all about snowmaking and where they spend their money. They continually do things that require more snow but snowmaking never catches up. Belleayre was the only ORDA area that got 100% open on snowmaking trails this. The competition only Wild Air glacier feels like a fuck you to passholders. I ski black trails at Windham most years in early December when Gore is still Ruby to Showcase.

I’m extra cranky to day because I’m trapped at the beach in an hotel room because I ate something nasty earlier.

Hmmm I just thought you were wrong..as usual. :unsure: :ROFLMAO:
Still beating that dead horse.
Even if they replaced that unreliable, 50+ year old, Frankenstein Riblet/Ctek double with another double, they still would have had to do what they did to the 50 years of growth on the lift line. They also needed to get that lift back to the top for flow and access to the top (especially when the gondola is down), like it was prior to 1995.

You are embarrassing yourself conflating this season's lack of snowmaking at the top of Cloud with the High Peaks Quad returning back to the top of Gore.

I guess I have to throw this up again to show Dark Side after the clearcutting, blasting, bulldozing and road building. I wish I had a before picture to compare it with.