Gore Mountain Conditions

Can someone please offer an update on what to expect on the green trails off Bear Cub Quad and Sunway Chair? But I want to ski Monday.
This would be a guess. Did those lifts spin last Monday? What terrain is open now? Shouldn't lose much between now and Monday.

When I get back at the start of April will these green trails be skiable or basically abandoned?
This would be a wild a$$ guess even by the GM. Who knows?

April is late season, the forecast is looking very warm, and lower mountain melts out first. I have no idea, but I wouldn't count on it.
That said, has there ever been an attempt at a Weekend Food Truck some where along the routes to Gore?
The Oxbow Inn near Piseco was closed last Monday President’s Day.
On FB they said they were just out of food.

Said trucks come Monday and Tuesday & will be restocked by 11AM Wednesday...so there’s that.
It’s on the way.
...I can imagine there is a demand for Lake George (or Saratoga) chain hotels to run 3 day weekends of skiing that include your room, breakfast, after skiing restaurant, bar with a band, heated pool, and a shuttle that took you and your equipment to and from the mountain! Add to that pre-bought tickets! Rentals prepped and booked at the hotel! Maybe throw in an "at the mountain" guide or ambassador. For some families, skiing is a 'resort type' activity. Pampered treatment like a cruise,...
Start one up if ya wanna. See where it gets ya.
Ya mighta forgot the valets to help folks with the flats...
Have you approached Disney ORDA about building a year-round indoor zip-coaster anchor attraction at the ski bowl area on Cape Cod?
Somebody mighta.
Screw the zip coaster anchor attraction.

If folks wanna throw the NC ski bowl a bone it should be for well engineered, reliable snow making along with wages for the worker bees.

If folks parked at the bowl and rode a lift up to ski, it doesn’t use as much energy as driving up.
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