Gore Mountain Conditions

Ways to eliminate skating from Gore.

Permanently close all the terrain except North and East sides.

Close the mountain and develop a different mountain.

Other alternatives: ski somewhere else, switch to tele, spend massive amounts on transfer lifts, quit the gym and enjoy the exercise, keep skiing and repeating the 'most horizontal.'

Other options I missed?

There is no getting around it. It you want to ski the entire mountain at Gore, you may inadvertently get some exercise.

I’m not complaining, I actually like the exercise. If I were a snowboarder then I might complain/go elsewhere/avoid the skates.
So much for the ya gotta go to know.
Ya went and still were informed incorrectly & somebody time traveled.
That’s worse IMO.
Somebody should give ya a perk for pointing it out so they can fix the BS.
Never trust the marketing report.
Ways to eliminate skating from Gore.

Permanently close all the terrain except North and East sides.

Close the mountain and develop a different mountain.

Other alternatives: ski somewhere else, switch to tele, spend massive amounts on transfer lifts, quit the gym and enjoy the exercise, keep skiing and repeating the 'most horizontal.'

Other options I missed?

There is no getting around it. It you want to ski the entire mountain at Gore, you may inadvertently get some exercise.

It’s not that there’s a lot of horizontal at Gore. It’s that the information they are putting out is wrong at best and lies at worst, which will result in skiers (otherwise known as paying customers) getting stuck places and having a long uphill walk back to where they need to be.
Once their “alternative base” is operational is Gore going to keep all the trails and lifts required to get between Ski Bowl and main base open until the very end of the day? Or run shuttles past dark? They are basically taking on operating another Killington. Has anyone in management thought this out?
I wasn't calling you out Ben, I like how you roll.

The way Gore does the conditions page is problematic for the hardcore who follow this thread.

Starting the night before, until 8am, it reports on what's expected:

Screenshot 2024-02-04 at 4.57.44 PM.png

The expected report is certainly helpful. It gives you an idea of what the mountain is planning for the next day.

Then at 8am, whether the report has been updated or not, the 'expected' is automatically dropped.

If you're not aware of how it works you can look at the report at that time and assume it was updated. That is what is says.

I humbly suggest that if this is going to be the system that they stick to the 8am update religiously. Or alternatively they could only update the time, and remove the 'expected' when it is actually updated.

This may be getting greedy, and in life I've learned that asking for too much can prevent you from getting anything at all, but here I go:

IMO Gore should find a way to update the report at 6:30 or 7am. At least the overnight snow totals. People waking up in the capital district making decisions about where to ski, want to know. The reason Gore doesn't do this is because the snow report comes from patrol. I'd think it wouldn't be impossible to get an earlier report from mountain ops.

Patrol works every day the mountain is open so that's an advantage. Snowmakers don't work every day, but I still think there should be a way to do it. Jay Peak does it. Other mountains do it. If you want to cultivate a reputation as skier's mountain, it's a way to do that. (Understand this is not something that would benefit me. When I'm skiing Gore, I'm waking up 4 miles away, and if it was snowing all night, I probably never slept anyway.)

To Gore's credit, the report is often updated between 8 and 8:30 which is significantly earlier than just a few years ago.

Two cents from a Gore diehard who is moving to town, in part, because of how much he loves ❤️ Gore Mountain.
Monday is a "Will I or Won't I" decision for me.... Living an hour away I do take a look at the EXPECTED Report. What lifts and trails are open is important to me. I have made great advances since my return to skiing, BUT still do not ski much beyond green trails. Well tonight (5:30 PM) the report says 9 out of 15 lifts open. Then goes ahead and green checks all 15 lifts. Not very helpful. So should I get my gear together... Then wait for the 8 AM UPDATED Report. If still not accurate then should I just stay home? Try again on Wednesday since the weather should be unchanged? Or I suppose I could decide tonight to skip Monday entirely because of the inaccurate Snow Report? The stresses of retirement...
Monday is a "Will I or Won't I" decision for me.... Living an hour away I do take a look at the EXPECTED Report. What lifts and trails are open is important to me. I have made great advances since my return to skiing, BUT still do not ski much beyond green trails. Well tonight (5:30 PM) the report says 9 out of 15 lifts open. Then goes ahead and green checks all 15 lifts. Not very helpful. So should I get my gear together... Then wait for the 8 AM UPDATED Report. If still not accurate then should I just stay home? Try again on Wednesday since the weather should be unchanged? Or I suppose I could decide tonight to skip Monday entirely because of the inaccurate Snow Report? The stresses of retirement...
Perfect example of what I am talking about.
NYS has an open government policy.
ORDA & it’s assets are owned by the people of NYS.
It’s beneficial to folks if they're successful in how they operate.

It’s not difficult to stick a ruler somewhere on the surface consistently.
However wind could play a major factor in the reading of new snow amounts.

Folks have hand held devices these days (phones).
Many Mtn Ops & ski patrol folks carry radios.
Lifties are assigned lifts and must be present beforehand.

Proofreading a “snow conditions” report for consistency and accuracy b4 hitting upload ain’t rocket surgery.

Time traveling backwards a green lift status “alert” says something unacceptable.

Live and learn. First world problemo.