Coronavirus and Skiing

I think dub said he was vaxxed.

When I got covid (prevax) I lost 20 lbs and only gained 10 back. My wife says I look different, basically less muscle.

Regarding long covid, I felt like I had strong lingering effects for three months. Unlike @dubstar I had a hard time staying awake, and I would take naps at my desk. And I couldn't concentrate. It got better, good luck to you and your wife man.
He uses an unvaxxed co worker as another example.

Hey Harv, why aren't you skiing?
"I am done listening to stories about how the unvaccinated are getting sick, therefore, not over. Enough. These shots are a modern medical miracle. If you are over 50, obese, or, even healthy, which most aren't, and still refuse a shot, sorry about your suicidal tendencies."

Yes, maybe you should read a little bit more carefully. There are are also legitimate reasons why people avoid vaccines. My wife had a significant reaction to the second shot. She woke up in the middle of the night and thought she was having a heart attack, describing it as feeling as though an elephant was sitting on her chest. She said she was never more frightened in her life and she's been through a lot. Confirmed by two cardiologists as most likely vaccine-induced myocarditis. There is no doubt vaccines are important and have been throughout modern history. But it is also clear that these vaccines were rushed through (by necessity) and that a lot of misinformation was fed to the public regarding their efficacy. Not necessarily intentionally, but simply because there is still much to learn about how COVID behaves.

By the way, we are both in relatively good health. I'm 50 and recently snowshoed to the top of the West Peak at Windham with my board strapped to my pack followed by a descent that included an untracked line through the woods left untouched from the previous day's snowfall. Eat well, minimal alcohol, try to get enough sleep, no indoor eating or bar visits. Double masks and safety glasses at work with as much time spent near an open window as possible. So no suicidal tendencies here.

This notion that masks are some form of child abuse is ridiculous and primarily driven by angry parents with an agenda. Spend some time in a school and you'll see how much time students spend mask free. Also take a look around the world and see what children in other countries are faced with. It really says something about this country and our society if wearing a mask is considered so damaging to children.

Hey Harv, why aren't you skiing?
Maybe not a great call, but I took this weekend off. Hoping to make up for it late in the month. We'll see if the weather cooperates.
Maybe not a great call, but I took this weekend off. Hoping to make up for it late in the month. We'll see if the weather cooperates.
Looks like Thursday is a 50 degree gully washer all the way up to the Canadian border, with teens on Friday. Ugghhh. Next week/weekend is looking rough.
Get at it while ya can. Snow’s still there waiting.
Might not be powder but ya can still ski on it.
Folks had fun yesterday.
Could be early corn.
Folks blew a lot of snow when it was subzero.
Yesterday and today were great, spring skiing in Feb! I’m surprised that Harvey could have chosen so unwisely….
I will say that it has been very refreshing to have conversations with, see people's faces, etc. without a mask. I may be a grouchy dude that doesn't love crowds, but we are all social creatures at heart and on some biological level the "no mask thing" makes me happy (and maybe a little nervous, but not outside when skiing).
Yesterday and today were great, spring skiing in Feb! I’m surprised that Harvey could have chosen so unwisely….

Glad you had a great day. Funny, nothing surprises me about you, anymore.