Coronavirus and Skiing

At Wolf Creek in December I was impressed that the locals were being very good about masking up in the lodge on the main level with the cafeteria and bar. Folks in Colorado are quite aware that any outbreak tied to a ski resort could mean the shut down of inside dining. Wolf Creek never opened any inside dining last season. While there is plenty of outdoor seating that is great when the sun is out, it can be pretty cold and windy at other times. It was in the teens for more than one day when I was there for a week mid-Dec with my ski buddies.

Not that much masking for a quick stop in the larger restrooms. I didn't bother if there was only 1-2 other people who were clearly not going to hang around.
There was very little masking indoors at Timberline in WV. Meaning for staff or customers. Most of the people masking were seniors. I was there midweek so the place was quite empty in any case.
Obviously we have a case here of arrested development , a narcissistic lil boy trying to assert his " vast " knowledge among the "cognoscenti " ...its an age old story full of sound and fury signifyning nothing "

To quote The Bard ?
Colorado will not shut down again.
No American state will shut down ski resorts again. But a resort may well decide to close indoor dining for a short period if they think that their employees are at risk because of increase exposure to customers who are indoors with them. Just as there are restaurants all over the country that have had to close for a short time because they were short staffed or just needed a break.

I skied in the west last season per usual, meaning I was comfortable in airports and on full planes. I also skied in the southeast. My total for the season was about 50 days at about a dozen different ski areas/resorts. I have several few friends (not from this forum) who mostly ski in the the northeast. What happened for the ski industry in NY and New England was different from those regions in 2020-21.

Europe is another story completely. As was Australia and New Zealand during their 2021 season. But I won't go into that around here.
And I’m sure he travels in a crowd that contains plenty of covid skeptics
Early on, as in when we first shutdown, this would ring true.

What changed our crews POV were 2 things. First, one of us was hospitalized with COVID for 11 days, 7 days in ICU, and he'll tell you he was fighting for his life. He literally thought he was going to die. He's in his mid 50's and other than Peter, I'd put his fitness level up against anyone on here. Second, would be a single conversation with my wife. She'll tell you real quick like where the bear shits in the woods and won't mince any words in doing so. Those experiences brought reality into play real quick.
Early on, as in when we first shutdown, this would ring true.

What changed our crews POV were 2 things. First, one of us was hospitalized with COVID for 11 days, 7 days in ICU, and he'll tell you he was fighting for his life. He literally thought he was going to die. He's in his mid 50's and other than Peter, I'd put his fitness level up against anyone on here. Second, would be a single conversation with my wife. She'll tell you real quick like where the bear shits in the woods and won't mince any words in doing so. Those experiences brought reality into play real quick.
I apologize for profiling based on my assumption of the worldview of the CNY hunting/snowmo crowd.
I was able to read this, I guess it's my one free article. Comments are good too.
