Coronavirus and Skiing

Today at HUNTAH I saw some of the most arbitrary, non-enforced covid measures in place that I've seen. Each entrance to the dining areas of the lodge had a security guards posted at them with open gates and signs that said "proof of vaccine required to enter". No one was actually required to show proof of vaccine and multiple people walked right past security without masks (there were signs that masks were required as well). One younger girl sitting within 10 feet of the front entrance security was openly vaping in the lodge in front of him... The strangest bit was tables in the dining room fenced off with a gate entrance and HUNTAH staff posted up so you could "reserve" a table. There was no shortage of empty tables but regardless you had to walk up to the person at the gate, say you wanted to reserve a table, they took your name and phone number and assigned you a numbered table.

Outside of the lodge everything was business as usual but it was also empty, these measures all seemed like a stark contrast from Belle. Do any Epic pass holders know if this just standard operating procedure for Vail?
Outside of the lodge everything was business as usual but it was also empty, these measures all seemed like a stark contrast from Belle. Do any Epic pass holders know if this just standard operating procedure for Vail?
A friend who is more or less local to Tahoe has an Epic Tahoe senior pass. There is checking for vaccination status for indoor dining at Northstar and Heavenly from what she's said. She was there before the first big storm that dropped snow measured in feet.
Masks are no longer required at Killington or Pico, effective today. They cited guidance from the Vermont Department of Health saying that the virus should be treated as endemic in making this decision.
Masks are no longer required at Killington or Pico, effective today. They cited guidance from the Vermont Department of Health saying that the virus should be treated as endemic in making this decision.

"Masks are required to ride resort shuttles and The Bus, regardless of vaccination status, per federal mandate."
Masks are no longer required at Killington or Pico, effective today. They cited guidance from the Vermont Department of Health saying that the virus should be treated as endemic in making this decision.

I was thinking that, after being in two very crowded lodges and bars last Friday, (Bear and K1), that, if I didn't get sick and die from that, I'm cool, along with the rest of the humans in there. About as super spreader as spaces can be. This is pretty much over.
I was thinking that, after being in two very crowded lodges and bars last Friday, (Bear and K1), that, if I didn't get sick and die from that, I'm cool, along with the rest of the humans in there. About as super spreader as spaces can be. This is pretty much over.
I had this same thought after a gymnastics meet in December. Could be temporary, or not? Will the next variant be mild for the vaxxed? I guess we will see.
"This is pretty much over."

After two years of in-person teaching, I got it in the elementary school I work in right before Christmas break. Double vaccinated, no booster shot, always wear a mask, and I eat lunch in my car. Unfortunately mask enforcement and other COVID protocols have not been enforced much lately due to the influence of certain certain loud and angry parents who have co-opted BOE meetings and administrative decisions. No surprise my number eventually came up, as numbers have been high across our district.

It was a brutal 10-12 day run and I unfortunately infected my wife, who continues to suffer long-haul symptoms. I lost five pounds which I can't gain back and both of us have difficulty sleeping now. Definitely not Omicron, but more likely Delta or a combination of the two, which our doctor confirmed. I'm back snowboarding and doing well this season, but don't feel ready to get back into the water and I always surf through the winter no matter how cold it gets.

We currently have a co-worker who has been out for two weeks and still hasn't recovered. She is unvaccinated and always wore a mask at work (as required), but for some reason decided to go mask free for the entire day a few weeks ago when that idiot Blakeman forced Nassau County schools to temporarily stop enforcing the state mandate for a day while local and state officials scrambled to deal with the legality of his announcement (masks returned the next day). Apparently she now has to test negative before returning to work due to her unvaccinated status, which could take up to six weeks regardless of how she feels.

So anyway, the pandemic may appear to be over and numbers are certainly lower, but I'd still be wary of what government and media are telling us and that goes for both sides of the political spectrum. Especially if you find yourself in high-density population areas.
So anyway, the pandemic may appear to be over and numbers are certainly lower, but I'd still be wary of what government and media are telling us and that goes for both sides of the political spectrum.
I trust my dog.

Hope you and yer wife get to feeling better ASAP.
Long haulers is tough.
"This is pretty much over."

After two years of in-person teaching, I got it in the elementary school I work in right before Christmas break. Double vaccinated, no booster shot, always wear a mask, and I eat lunch in my car. Unfortunately mask enforcement and other COVID protocols have not been enforced much lately due to the influence of certain certain loud and angry parents who have co-opted BOE meetings and administrative decisions. No surprise my number eventually came up, as numbers have been high across our district.

It was a brutal 10-12 day run and I unfortunately infected my wife, who continues to suffer long-haul symptoms. I lost five pounds which I can't gain back and both of us have difficulty sleeping now. Definitely not Omicron, but more likely Delta or a combination of the two, which our doctor confirmed. I'm back snowboarding and doing well this season, but don't feel ready to get back into the water and I always surf through the winter no matter how cold it gets.

We currently have a co-worker who has been out for two weeks and still hasn't recovered. She is unvaccinated and always wore a mask at work (as required), but for some reason decided to go mask free for the entire day a few weeks ago when that idiot Blakeman forced Nassau County schools to temporarily stop enforcing the state mandate for a day while local and state officials scrambled to deal with the legality of his announcement (masks returned the next day). Apparently she now has to test negative before returning to work due to her unvaccinated status, which could take up to six weeks regardless of how she feels.

So anyway, the pandemic may appear to be over and numbers are certainly lower, but I'd still be wary of what government and media are telling us and that goes for both sides of the political spectrum. Especially if you find yourself in high-density population areas.
I am done listening to stories about how the unvaccinated are getting sick, therefore, not over. Enough. These shots are a modern medical miracle. If you are over 50, obese, or, even healthy, which most aren't, and still refuse a shot, sorry about your suicidal tendencies.

We really have to consider all the emotional damage that has occured over the last few years. It is not healthy to hide from others out of fear. It is especially unhealthy for children to be subjected to all this, and essentially lose a few years of maturing around others, especially since they are hardly as vulnerable as the Boomers running the show.
I had this same thought after a gymnastics meet in December. Could be temporary, or not? Will the next variant be mild for the vaxxed? I guess we will see.
I can absolutely guarantee that there will be another pandemic in the world in the next fifty years. History is littered with them. Viruses exist everywhere, and they are always mutating. Life depends on them. I can also garauntee that we have learned nothing from this present pandemic, a relatively mild one, compared to the historical record, except how to make vaccines really fast for this type of virus. Thank God for that.