Coronavirus and Skiing

I will say that it has been very refreshing to have conversations with, see people's faces, etc. without a mask. I may be a grouchy dude that doesn't love crowds, but we are all social creatures at heart and on some biological level the "no mask thing" makes me happy (and maybe a little nervous, but not outside when skiing).
I got the vid from a bud while skiing two weeks ago. We were outside all day. I didn’t get very sick but I still tested positive yesterday, 12 days later. It’s not gonna kill me but it sure is annoying.
I got the vid from a bud while skiing two weeks ago. We were outside all day. I didn’t get very sick but I still tested positive yesterday, 12 days later. It’s not gonna kill me but it sure is annoying.
How does it compare to the first time? Like if the first time was a 9 out of ten...? Feel better man.

On another related? topic... seeing lots of demand for lessons for prez week that looks like it won't be met.
How does it compare to the first time? Like if the first time was a 9 out of ten...? Feel better man.

On another related? topic... seeing lots of demand for lessons for prez week that looks like it won't be met.

Dude, first time was an 11. It was trying to kill me for sure and I was feeling it for 3 or 4 months after. This time would be a 1 or 2. It was like a mild cold that lasted 4 solid days. I feel fine now.
I got the vid from a bud while skiing two weeks ago. We were outside all day. I didn’t get very sick but I still tested positive yesterday, 12 days later. It’s not gonna kill me but it sure is annoying.
Did ya eat or smoke the bud? How it effects ya can be different, allegedly.
Glad yer better now.
Glad you had a great day. Funny, nothing surprises me about you, anymore.
Save the explanation and lighten up…..I was kidding. The guy who loads up on yoga to return from an injury sooner than he probably should have, the same guy who follows the weather more than anyone…..skips a good couple of days before a bad week. Perfectly reasonable decision, but I figured it was worth a little light hearted ribbing, especially since you seemed to sense it maybe wasn’t you best skiing decision, although it may have been the best decision for your body. Whatever.

I didn’t realize losing your sense of humor was a long haul COVID symptom….or maybe I should have thrown in a few ;):p:unsure::cool:?

Enjoy the rest of the season folks. You too Harvey! See ya ‘round.
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Dude, first time was an 11. It was trying to kill me for sure and I was feeling it for 3 or 4 months after. This time would be a 1 or 2. It was like a mild cold that lasted 4 solid days. I feel fine now.
Yeah i was saving 10 for success in the "kill me" part. That's where i was.

I think i had omi but who knows. Hoping i did.
As for masking at Taos Ski Valley, still very much required indoors all over New Mexico. Locals in the Taos are are very compliant. They know that medical facilities are limited in the small town, and any big outbreak could further damage a fragile economy that's very dependent on tourism during all seasons.

The TSV resort is requiring proof of vaccination for indoor dining. But the independently owned restaurants at the main base only require masking.

There were still a few people who seemed to be masking on lifts. Easier to tell on warm sunny days. For Lift 1 when the Singles line had people, lifties were asking other folks if they were okay sharing with strangers before adding a single or two.

I had time to wander around the town center yesterday, Saturday, before driving to Albuquerque (stayed overnight). There were noticeably more tourists around than March 2021. Was certainly a lot easier to find open restaurants for dinner. But staffing issues mean that Mon, Tue, Wed, and sometimes even Thu nights it pays to call ahead to make sure a restaurant is actually open. Meaning even a posted schedule says the place is supposed to be open that night of the week.
In another thread @Warp daddy asked about Tenney in NH. It was completely closed in 2020-21 and didn't open for 2021-22 either. Didn't make sense during the pandemic.

But I wouldn't count it out forever just yet. Michael Bouchard turned into a pretty competent skier so his interest in having a ski hill for the community isn't just a pipe dream as it was when he and his partners bought the land for other reasons. I have no doubt the chair lifts could pass inspection with much less effort than it took before. People have been skinning up for turns, as they were allowed to do after the current ownership took over.

I followed the development of Tenney pretty closely. Skied there a couple of times when I was in Boston for other reasons, including once after a powder storm. Chatted with Michael in the fall before it re-opened.
In another thread @Warp daddy asked about Tenney in NH. It was completely closed in 2020-21 and didn't open for 2021-22 either. Didn't make sense during the pandemic.

But I wouldn't count it out forever just yet. Michael Bouchard turned into a pretty competent skier so his interest in having a ski hill for the community isn't just a pipe dream as it was when he and his partners bought the land for other reasons. I have no doubt the chair lifts could pass inspection with much less effort than it took before. People have been skinning up for turns, as they were allowed to do after the current ownership took over.

I followed the development of Tenney pretty closely. Skied there a couple of times when I was in Boston for other reasons, including once after a powder storm. Chatted with Michael in the fall before it re-opened.

TY MArz ! I enjoyed skiing both and Gunstock and Attitash on my last swing thru NH .

10E was kind of a funky place but hey any day on the hill is a good day ! What I specifically remember is the slooooowest ride to the summit i think ive ever been on, obut the skiing was fine and the price was right