Coronavirus and Skiing

I don't believe that Steamboat has a mask requirement for guests.
Actually, Steamboat re-instated a mask required for indoor venues a week ago. Otherwise my friend from DC wouldn't have commented the way she did.

December 29, 2021
I usually didn't bother to mask up when using the larger restroom at Wolf Creek. At least not midweek when there was rarely more than a few other women around and they weren't staying long. I opted to use the restroom as a locker room since it's set up with a nice bench and 75¢ lockers. Most people were locals so very few people bothered with a locker.
We chatted with a guy on a lift ride who was part of a group of 20 OK State students who were sharing a house for several days. They were a royal pain clogging up the trail at the top of front side lifts (all boarders, mixed abilities) who kept getting yelled out by the liftie at the top.
Dang Okie boarders.
I usually didn't bother to mask up when using the larger restroom at Wolf Creek. At least not midweek when there was rarely more than a few other women around and they weren't staying long. I opted to use the restroom as a locker room since it's set up with a nice bench and 75¢ lockers.
I’ve read these are useful while at the slopes.
Not in engineering school, and never in my classroom.

a) mm didn’t give multiple guess tests
b) mm didn’t have the tricky BS multiple guess questions.
c) mm gave take home tests.
d) a & b
e) all of the above
f) none of the above
g) some of the above
Witchizit? I’m guessing g.
a. You're gonna need to do some work before the final.

So in reality the Best answer is g.
Ya didn’t have tricky BS multiple guess questions either, just sayin.

The one above is BS multiple guess question.
Do I win a prize?

Tis better to test ones knowledge of a subject using non-multiple choice tests than letting BS enter into the equation.
Good for you as an educator.