F Vail

Coffee and bowel movements slow me down in the morning and I gotta make the stop when nature calls...
hence the need to arrive early and have your coffee in the lodge
at that hour your are almost guaranteed to get a fresh and quite bathroom :poop:
This is true in general of the hardcore.
I'd like to think I'm one of the "hardcore" but I do make it a point to spend money on the mountain. I like to eat lunch, and I'm not a machine like Kleetus who skis straight through the day on a single granola bar.

Plus the food at the Tannery isn't bad!
at that hour
I skied all day at Gore a few weeks ago, arrived at 7:30, left at 4:30, booted in the lodge was alone both times.

That was on a day with new snow too.
I'd like to think I'm one of the "hardcore" but I do make it a point to spend money on the mountain. I like to eat lunch, and I'm not a machine like Kleetus who skis straight through the day on a single granola bar.

Plus the food at the Tannery isn't bad!
Hence the "in general."

If I am skiing with my daughter at Gore, I often miss breakfast, and will buy something mid morning.

Small mountains or Plattekill, I always try to spend something.
Small mountains or Plattekill, I always try to spend something.
I plan on spending money there too once they get their steeper terrain open and I can finally put this season pass to use.

I did have breakfast there last year and I remember it being pretty good, and quite picturesque by the woodstove in that lodge.
I'd like to think I'm one of the "hardcore" but I do make it a point to spend money on the mountain. I like to eat lunch, and I'm not a machine like Kleetus who skis straight through the day on a single granola bar.

Plus the food at the Tannery isn't bad!
We were unprepared and became really hungry skiing on Christmas Day so I decided to go ahead and order some Mac n cheese bowls from the lodge. Cody and I each had one and we shared a Pepsi. With a small tip the bill was over 40 dollars. That will be my only purchase for the season. The food wasn’t worth it. It annoyed the crap out of me.
Coffee and bowel movements slow me down in the morning and I gotta make the stop when nature calls...
These have been a game changer for me. I couldn’t have made it through that photo work the other morning without them. Seriously, they can buy you an extra 45 to 60 minutes as long as you don’t mind the slop. I’ve found that some good, wool leggings help keep the warmth in and movement free.

I’ll even wear them at home so I can stay on the couch and not break up my favorite tv programs. The girls don’t appreciate it so much but it’s worth it imho!
