Coronavirus and Skiing

My friend came up with his son on Wednesday to ski with us at gore on Thursday. He tested negative the morning before coming up and I had tested negative a few days earlier. Yesterday he called me that his daughter just tested positive and today I woke up feeling bleh and just tested positive.Seems like we did everything right other than skipping our yearly ski outing. Happy I managed to avoid it until after getting boosted and looking forward to skiing after my quarantine ends.
My friend came up with his son on Wednesday to ski with us at gore on Thursday. He tested negative the morning before coming up and I had tested negative a few days earlier. Yesterday he called me that his daughter just tested positive and today I woke up feeling bleh and just tested positive.Seems like we did everything right other than skipping our yearly ski outing. Happy I managed to avoid it until after getting boosted and looking forward to skiing after my quarantine ends.
I hope it’s mild and you feel better soon.
See hot spots map for counties in the west in NY times.
Do a lot of the hotspot counties have big ski resorts out west?
Is it due to just running more tests in those counties? and/or more folks visiting to ski in the winter pushing "cases per population” up?
Who knows?
I would say yes. Anywhere there are population centers the numbers are going to be higher, more people, more spread and more tests. Just like night time satellite maps appear brighter proportional to population :)

I'm significantly germaphobic but at this point feel well protected from severe covid illness and omicron is looking less nasty. To me the real indicator and the only one that really concerns me is Emergency Room and Hospital occupancy and staffing. I'm fairly certain the one thing most of us can agree on is that if we have an accident and need urgent medical care we expect to be able to get the best available. If people start flooding hospitals we're all at risk.
I'm fairly certain the one thing most of us can agree on is that if we have an accident and need urgent medical care we expect to be able to get the best available. If people start flooding hospitals we're all at risk.
“Urgent" cares were stressed this summer.
Took a friend who banged his head on the roof of a golf cart and looked like might need some stitches to an Urgent Care facility.
It’s a long story but after finally getting treated at the 3rd one we went to, talked to the doc and nurse (who provided excellent care) and they were discussing the need to shut that facility down as the wait times being too long were inconsistent with the company's “businesses model”.
I asked, "what are folks supposed to do then?"
"Go to the ER and wait with everyone else," was the answer.
Doc agreed it was FUBAR.
My friends head healed up well and the Doc called him a week later to check up on him which was appreciated.