Coronavirus and Skiing

4) Nothing will change until we stop testing people with no symptoms.
Surveillance testing is pointless now. It's clear transmission can't be stopped. Doing so just inflates case counts and results in more panic.

Why is it that Florida has nearly zero covid deaths these days? They have no mask mandates, especially for school kids. I don't claim to know why but if you compare FL (not masks, etc.) with NY (masks, passports, etc.) there isn't much difference in the outcome. Perhaps this virus is going to run it's course regardless of supposed interventions?
The virus just ran its course in Florida. When their summer wave started, they had a very low vaccination rate, particularly in rural areas, so that's why they got hit so bad. What's important to realize is that they have moved on, even before that wave, as have most parts of the country, and as of now aren't really worse off for it.

We're ruining our lives with this insanity. I just want to be free to do the things I love as before, in a manner as before, that's all.
I believe it's a similar situation to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. We kept fighting them long after it was known that they weren't winnable. With covid, elected officials in blue states/cities are demanding and mandating that we continue to fight an unwinnable war (stopping transmission), because not doing so would require admitting that they were wrong. It's hard to put into words how demoralizing that is. I believe there will be harsh political consequences for them next November. Honestly, I'm looking at moving out of state over the latest mandate, because I don't see how it is ever going to be lifted, and I'm worried we are going to end up with more restrictions. That will of course be blamed on the counties that didn't enforce masks, even though the case numbers in my own county, which is one of the ones not enforcing it, are already declining.
Not super white dudes. This is where I grew up riding. Back then we didn’t have trail heads or wood work, it was all jeep and quad trails. It’s great to see some progression since then as well as minorities enjoying trails.

This is right in my backyard. I recognize most everything they're on. My friends who used to race mountain bikes felt that riding here was a big advantage. Lots of technical bits. The bridge at 4:12 -"Oh, that's sketchy!" is not the sketchiest bridge there.

1) Engineering, science.
2) The Pfizer and Moderna test results were based on the number of vax/unvax people that contracted Covid...claimed that the vaxed people were 95% less likely to contract Covid. Those trial results are online and you can read them yourself. The original goal was to prevent contracting Covid.
3) Hard to tell. In Onondaga county the majority of hospitalizations are in the vaxed elderly.
4) Nothing will change until we stop testing people with no symptoms.

Why is it that Florida has nearly zero covid deaths these days? They have no mask mandates, especially for school kids. I don't claim to know why but if you compare FL (not masks, etc.) with NY (masks, passports, etc.) there isn't much difference in the outcome. Perhaps this virus is going to run it's course regardless of supposed interventions?

We're ruining our lives with this insanity. I just want to be free to do the things I love as before, in a manner as before, that's all.
I believe the end goal of the vaccine has always been to reduce hospitalization, death and symptoms, not necessarily testing positive for covid.

Here in the Rochester region, >70% in the hospital are unvaxed and >85% in ICU are unvaxed. Hospitalizations have been climbing steadily in my region. Not sure who's giving you your numbers for Onondaga, but they just reported 84% of the hospitalized are unvaxed. This phase of the pandemic for this region is one created by largely the unvaxed.

I think a bit of good news is that Omicron may present less severe symptoms. But bad news is that it's far more contagious and maybe more breakthroughs, so running wild could still put a high demand on hospitals--- that's really bad for anyone that may need to go to the hospital for any other health reason... accident, ski injury etc.

As for Florida there are several things to note. (I was just there for 5 days).
1. FL actually has a fairly high vax rate and very comparable to NY.
2. Much of Florida is tourism-- people come and go. Perhaps many that may contract covid there will become ill and test positive in their home state.
3. Florida has abundant sunshine and with that there is an abundance of vitamin D, which greatly helps our immune system. Whereas here in the NE we are sun deprived.
4. Comparatively much of Florida life and socialization is outdoors and open air, which prevents transmission vs NY now where most gathering is enclosed.
5. The pandemic has moved in waves so FL may just be in a trough.
6. FL just dropped the mask mandates in schools so we shall see what happens.
7. Florida overall is hardly a grand model. NY had more than half its deaths in the first 100 days whereas FL flew right past us after that. Populations are very comparable in both states so no need to look at deaths per 100K.

Edited because the first chart I posted was displaying wrong.


New York
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I believe the end goal of the vaccine has always been to reduce hospitalization, death and symptoms, not necessarily testing positive for covid.

Here in the Rochester region, >70% in the hospital are unvaxed and >85% in ICU are unvaxed. Hospitalizations have been climbing steadily in my region. Not sure who's giving you your numbers for Onondaga, but they just reported 84% of the hospitalized are unvaxed. This phase of the pandemic for this region is one created by largely the unvaxed.

I think a bit of good news is that Omicron may present less severe symptoms. But bad news is that it's far more contagious and maybe more breakthroughs, so running wild could still put a high demand on hospitals--- that's really bad for anyone that may need to go to the hospital for any other health reason... accident, ski injury etc.

As for Florida there are several things to note. (I was just there for 5 days).
1. FL actually has a fairly high vax rate and very comparable to NY.
2. Much of Florida is tourism-- people come and go. Perhaps many that may contract covid there will become ill and test positive in their home state.
3. Florida has abundant sunshine and with that there is an abundance of vitamin D, which greatly helps our immune system. Whereas here in the NE we are sun deprived.
4. Comparatively much of Florida life and socialization is outdoors and open air, which prevents transmission vs NY now where most gathering is enclosed.
5. The pandemic has moved in waves so FL may just be in a trough.
6. FL just dropped the mask mandates in schools so we shall see what happens.
7. Florida overall is hardly a grand model. NY had more than half its deaths in the first 100 days whereas FL flew right past us after that. Populations are very comparable in both states so no need to look at deaths per 100K.

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That graph is garbage. New York has at least 50k deaths.
That graph is garbage. New York has at least 50k deaths.
Yeah something is wrong with that chart. Anyway NY had deaths early and FL now has far more than NY. All FL deaths came after the NY surge. I need to fix the chart so I don't misrepresent the data and I've removed it. But it doesn't change my message otherwise.
Who is giving you your number?
Onondaga County’s Health Department say’s it’s ~50:50 jabbed : unjabbed for hospitalizations.
Here is where I got my Onondaga numbers

Looking at the chart you provided it looks like Onondaga cty hospitalizations are being largely driven by the unvaxed until you get to >70.
