Coronavirus and Skiing

What happened the most interesting?
The woods were very, very, very quiet this year. I don't think I can ever remember a year that I heard fewer gun shots than this year. Normally it sounds like a shooting gallery out there for the entire first weekend. It was far from that this year. It seems there are just fewer and fewer hunters out there. It's too bad. As for our camp we're having a less than normal harest this year. But it ain't over yet!
Good luck Camp. Stay safe. Have fun.

Haven’t been out. Don’t need the meat.
Haven’t heard many shots either.
Haven’t seen as many deer around as previously.
Sister in the burb has em around her place daily.
We have a history of vaccine trouble.Let it be.Take if you want it , leave others that don’t alone!
This is part of a message from Al Carbone, the CEO of Saratoga Hospital, sent to all employees and posted on their website:

...there are plenty of opinions. But they all pale in comparison with this fact: People are dying.

As of December 13, Saratoga Hospital had a total of 970 COVID-19 admissions and 134 deaths. Those numbers are getting worse every day.
Not one of those deaths was of a previously healthy vaccinated person. All were either unvaccinated or were at a higher risk because of pre-existing health conditions. And that's the point: People who are vaccinated and are admitted to the hospital have serious underlying conditions that make these patients more vulnerable to serious illness and complications—even death—from COVID-19. Otherwise-healthy patients who are hospitalized with COVID-19 have one thing in common: They are not vaccinated.
We are losing vital, previously healthy community members to this disease for one reason only: They are not vaccinated. We have lost unvaccinated healthy men in their 20s, unvaccinated middle-aged fathers and mothers, unvaccinated sons and daughters.
The bottom line: The vaccine is saving lives.

You can "do your own research" about the mythical side effects of vaccines, or listen to people who are actually dealing with the problems caused by vaccine denialism.

The woods were very, very, very quiet this year. I don't think I can ever remember a year that I heard fewer gun shots than this year. Normally it sounds like a shooting gallery out there for the entire first weekend. It was far from that this year. It seems there are just fewer and fewer hunters out there. It's too bad. As for our camp we're having a less than normal harest this year. But it ain't over yet!
It was the same over here. My son was able to get a doe on my property, and one on his dad's, as well as coming across a young deer that had been shot and still warm. He took that one as well. No bucks, though.
It was the same over here. My son was able to get a doe on my property, and one on his dad's, as well as coming across a young deer that had been shot and still warm. He took that one as well. No bucks, though.
Man, glad he found that deer and was able to take it. No buck for me either .... yet!! But I have gotten a couple doe, meat in the freezer is my #1 goal.
I'm looking forward to this years holiday hunt, as DEC calls it. I've never hunted the day/week after Xmas so that will be a treat. Pressure will be off the deer and hopefully the second rut should be starting. Looking for a big ol Virgil Mountain buck will be my task at hand. Really hoping for snow!
I respect this. Respect is a 2-way street. As long as we ALL (vaxed or not) respect the mandates given to business owners I take no issue. Mandates are not laws but there are fines involved for those not enforcing them. Heck, on the news they were promoting a website where people could go and turn in businesses not enforcing these mandates. I see people in stores not wearing masks and it really pisses me off. Don't wear a mask be NYS says so, do it for the owner of the business and their patrons. I can't stand masks! Hate them!!! But I wear one and will continue to do so until this silly mandate is over with, whenever that may be.

My daughter worked retail in a consignment shop to fill her COVID pause before moving to Los Angeles to start her career. There were times people actually physically threatened her when she told someone they needed to put on a mask in the store. Did she make the “rules”? No. Did she believe masks were necessary? It didn’t matter. Did she have to obey her boss, who could have been fined, and enforce the posted mask requirement? Bet your ass.

I’m a good American. I believe in freedom as much as the next American. But that freedom means if you don’t want to observe a mask “mandate” you are free to not enter an establishment with a clearly posted mask policy….rather than ignoring said policy, putting that business owner at risk, and threatening other good Americans just trying to do their f’ing jobs.

Unless I missed the part where the Constitution say “life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and the ability to shop wherever and however they damned well please”…..
Promise not to go to the hospital if you start having concerning symptoms?

Asking for my MD friends.
Actually, the hospital is the last place I would go. So yes, I promise not to go to the hospital. If you smoke, drink to excess, are obese or a senior citizen do you promise not to go as well? You see, this a dangerous place to visit. Personally I want all people to be treated regardless of their condition - it's the only way a humane society can function.

My daughter worked retail in a consignment shop to fill her COVID pause before moving to Los Angeles to start her career. There were times people actually physically threatened her when she told someone they needed to put on a mask in the store. Did she make the “rules”? No. Did she believe masks were necessary? It didn’t matter. Did she have to obey her boss, who could have been fined, and enforce the posted mask requirement? Bet your ass.

I’m a good American. I believe in freedom as much as the next American. But that freedom means if you don’t want to observe a mask “mandate” you are free to not enter an establishment with a clearly posted mask policy….rather than ignoring said policy, putting that business owner at risk, and threatening other good Americans just trying to do their f’ing jobs.

Unless I missed the part where the Constitution say “life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and the ability to shop wherever and however they damned well pleas

What is your background?

Can you lease share? I've never read where this has been said

I've never read this either. What I have read, and the math proves, is that your chances of staying out of the hospital during recovery is increased immensely. You do realize that's what this is all about,right?

I wish that were the case here in NY too. But it's not, therefore the same 70% of people who wore masks before will again. Nothing will change until more get vaxed (not because it's a cure all, it ain't, but it will increase your chances of staying out of the hospital) and we all wear masks when asked.
1) Engineering, science.
2) The Pfizer and Moderna test results were based on the number of vax/unvax people that contracted Covid...claimed that the vaxed people were 95% less likely to contract Covid. Those trial results are online and you can read them yourself. The original goal was to prevent contracting Covid.
3) Hard to tell. In Onondaga county the majority of hospitalizations are in the vaxed elderly.
4) Nothing will change until we stop testing people with no symptoms.

Why is it that Florida has nearly zero covid deaths these days? They have no mask mandates, especially for school kids. I don't claim to know why but if you compare FL (not masks, etc.) with NY (masks, passports, etc.) there isn't much difference in the outcome. Perhaps this virus is going to run it's course regardless of supposed interventions?

We're ruining our lives with this insanity. I just want to be free to do the things I love as before, in a manner as before, that's all.