Coronavirus and Skiing

Ha! Wish I’d thought of that. I agree on both counts.
We have a history of vaccine trouble.Let it be.Take if you want it , leave others that don’t alone!


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That notwithstanding…..I doubt there are many who aren’t getting the vaccine because they don’t like shot, adults at least. IMHO the three prevalent reasons for those not getting vaccinated are 1) hesitancy based on the unknown potential future impacts of a “new” vaccine, 2) “Freedom”, nobody is going to tell me what I have to do, and 3) Politics, with many conservative political types not buying into COVID/vaccine stuff. I suppose you could add mRNA conspiracy theorists as a fourth. Of course those conspiracy theorists probably belong to groups 2 and 3 anyway. I know people in all four groups! I doubt an oral vaccine would change any of that.

I’ll be prepared to mask up indoors again this ski season. Just got my booster, hopefully that helps contribute to a continued COVID free run. Who knows?’
I fall into category 1 based on my extensive research on the subject. That and the moving goal posts...2 weeks to flatten the curve, vaccines prevent getting Covid, vaccines will keep you safe if you get Covid, Cornell >99% "vaxed" and they shut the college down, etc. It seems, almost by design, that there is no end game in sight. Plus, there are many natural preventive measures that you can take to minimize your risk from this disease. Americans want an easy fix (pill/shot).

Living in NYS distorts my view; worked in PA and DE today and no masking requirements at either place. Actually sat in a conference room with 10+ people and could see their faces...never thought such a simple thing could bring great happiness. Will I come home with Covid? Don't know and at this point don't care - there's more to life than simple survival.

[Back to the subject] I don't get many vacations and it would be nice if we could just go skiing and not worry about this crap. I mean, we're outside for crying out loud. Last year at Killington a liftie told my partner to pull his mask up over his nose...good grief. Kills the fun, for me at least.

Too each his own but I think we can all agree that it would be nice to get back to the good old days (that being two years ago.)
I fall into category 1 based on my extensive research on the subject. That and the moving goal posts...2 weeks to flatten the curve, vaccines prevent getting Covid, vaccines will keep you safe if you get Covid, Cornell >99% "vaxed" and they shut the college down, etc. It seems, almost by design, that there is no end game in sight. Plus, there are many natural preventive measures that you can take to minimize your risk from this disease. Americans want an easy fix (pill/shot).

Living in NYS distorts my view; worked in PA and DE today and no masking requirements at either place. Actually sat in a conference room with 10+ people and could see their faces...never thought such a simple thing could bring great happiness. Will I come home with Covid? Don't know and at this point don't care - there's more to life than simple survival.

[Back to the subject] I don't get many vacations and it would be nice if we could just go skiing and not worry about this crap. I mean, we're outside for crying out loud. Last year at Killington a liftie told my partner to pull his mask up over his nose...good grief. Kills the fun, for me at least.

Too each his own but I think we can all agree that it would be nice to get back to the good old days (that being two years ago.)
Promise not to go to the hospital if you start having concerning symptoms?

Asking for my MD friends.
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We have a history of vaccine trouble.Let it be.Take if you want it , leave others that don’t alone!
I respect this. Respect is a 2-way street. As long as we ALL (vaxed or not) respect the mandates given to business owners I take no issue. Mandates are not laws but there are fines involved for those not enforcing them. Heck, on the news they were promoting a website where people could go and turn in businesses not enforcing these mandates. I see people in stores not wearing masks and it really pisses me off. Don't wear a mask be NYS says so, do it for the owner of the business and their patrons. I can't stand masks! Hate them!!! But I wear one and will continue to do so until this silly mandate is over with, whenever that may be.

Any luck deer hunting this year??? It's been an interesting year, to say the least.
my extensive research
What is your background?
vaccines prevent getting Covid
Can you lease share? I've never read where this has been said
vaccines will keep you safe if you get Covid
I've never read this either. What I have read, and the math proves, is that your chances of staying out of the hospital during recovery is increased immensely. You do realize that's what this is all about,right?
no masking requirements at either place
I wish that were the case here in NY too. But it's not, therefore the same 70% of people who wore masks before will again. Nothing will change until more get vaxed (not because it's a cure all, it ain't, but it will increase your chances of staying out of the hospital) and we all wear masks when asked.