Coronavirus and Skiing

Looking at the chart you provided.
I didn’t provide a chart.
I provided a link to their health department’s data page.
There is a chart in there for "hospitalizations by vaccination status".
Maybe ya should put that one up.

Hopefully it gets cold and snows soon.
I didn’t provide a chart.
I provided a link to their health department’s data page.
There is a chart in there for "hospitalizations by vaccination status".
Maybe ya should put that one up.

Hopefully it gets cold and snows soon.
This one? Still showing majority are unvaxed but trending to 50/50 hence the need for booster.
It's also worthy to note that 60% of deaths since Aug have been unvaxed. I'm guessing the vaxed deaths had underlying health issues. The unvaxed that died felt they were likely invincible. A common theme from my hospital friends.

Yes it needs to get cold and snow soon.

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I guess it's not possible to have a thread that sticks to the impact of covid on skiing. Lock, or change the name and move to the OT? I have no idea.

Granted it's only one county in one state. Still trying to figure our what this chart tells me. It seems to imply that the vax only helps those under 70. But if say a really high percentage of those over 70 are vaxed, could it be that it helps those people too? You only have a small number of people unvaxed so there absolute number is low? If so percentages vs absolute nunbers would be more telling.

This graphic makes the point. It makes no sense that partially vaxed would be better than fully vaxed. Just that there is a small number of partially vaxed.
Reports from South Africa are that the doubling time for Omicron may be as short as 2 days. That implies the entire population of NYS could be infected in 6 weeks. The point of masks is to slow the spread so that hospitals are not overwhelmed before the wave recedes. It's a choice to do small measures to avoid the kind of thing that happened in the city in the spring of 2020. If you wait until a lot of people are infected, it's too late to do anything, If masking is partially effective, vax deniers will say it is 100% ineffective. If it's perfectly effective at stopping the spread, everyone will say it was unnecessary. If it's completely ineffective, the governor will be blamed for not doing enough. It's a no win situation for her.

That will of course be blamed on the counties that didn't enforce masks, even though the case numbers in my own county, which is one of the ones not enforcing it, are already declining.
You're in Saratoga, right?
Regardless of enforcement, my observation is that compliance in Clifton Park, Halfmoon and Saratoga Springs is almost 100%. Maybe it's different in the Town of Day. The county's statement that masks would not be enforced was just a foolish slap at the governor of a different party, and the county later recommened masks along with a statement that it doesn't have the resources to enforce a ban. That was weak.
COVID is a public health problem that must be addressed on an entirely scientific basis. The fact that even scientific problems are immediately met with partisan political virtue signaling is just about the most discouraging thing about our current circumstances.

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I guess it's not possible to have a thread that sticks to the impact of covid on skiing. Lock, or change the name and move to the OT? I have no idea.
How's this?

I think about the impact on the supply chain and the labor shortage. It's a good thing that GP put RFID scanners in. That eliminates the need for a few positions. It seemed like they were short of lifties last season. OTOH, if RFID scanners eliminate jobs, that's a bad thing. But, if people are unable/unwilling to work, then RFID is a good thing. And, it will mean less close contact with people.

GP has what, two or three people working in the repair shop. The shop could very easily have to shut down if it spreads between them. I wax my own skis, but I do like to bring them in periodically for a professional to take care of. They could be short staffed for a very, very long time.

Cornell, and many other universities, have ski teams. Who knows when they will get to practice again, even when we do get snow. 318 student cases on Wednesday. On November 17, we had 5.