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October Powder Day at Plattekill

The internet can be a tool for finding like minded people. We’ve found great ski partners through our forum and others like FirstTracks, TGR and SnowJournal. All the authors of NYSkiBlog connected through NYSkiBlog, and other social media. Let’s face it — epic powder and off-the-hook ski days are more fun when shared with other ski fanatics.

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NYSB Social Media

instagramAt it’s core ski blogging is all about the pictures and Instagram is our favorite toy. It’s a super visual, instant gratification media that we use to push out information in another way. If you’re skiing and want to share photos with us, tag @NYSkiBlog. And follow us if you want to see our photo stoke too.

twitterTwitter is really well suited to getting out updates from the hill, alerting skiers to snowfall amounts, precipitation type, conditions on the trails and in the trees. If you’re skiing and want to share conditions or beta with us, include @NYSkiBlog in your tweet and we’ll retweet it as soon as possible. Follow us on Twitter to see our reports as they’re available.

facebookFacebook still remains the go-to social media for much of NY Ski Nation. If you want to keep up with NYSkiBlog one easy way is to “like” NYSB on Facebook. Our fan page will be the first place we post links to trip reports and photos of the mountains we ski and the places we visit. For your convenience, here’s a selection of NY ski areas on Facebook:

Whiteface Hunter Snow Ridge Mt van Ho
Gore Mtn Belleayre Greek Peak Garnet Hill
Hickory Ski Plattekill Holiday Valley Lapland Lake
Big Tupper Windham Mount Peter Mohonk

The NYSkiBlog Forums

The NYSkiBlog Forums are intended to be a place that allows everyone involved with NYSkiBlog to share ideas in a format that is more conducive to exchange than The Blog’s commenting feature. Please register and join us in the Forums. For your convenience (and ours), a directory of eastern ski forums:

PASR Adk Forum SkiVT-L reddit
Pugski Alpine Zone BC Talk TGR
TeleTalk Snow Jrnl FTO K Zone


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