Windham Mountain Going Private?

From Storm Skiing: "The club hopes to max out at 'around 450' members, according to Seamans."

They had approx 125 members when the changes were announced.
So they need another 325. How many people are within a 2+ hour drive?
I can be skiing in SLC in the time it takes me to drive to McCauley.
Even if it takes you 6 hours to drive to McCauley, I doubt you can get to SLC faster door to door when you factor in getting to and from the airport, checking in, going through security, waiting for your flight, boarding, getting your bags and skis etc.

I agree flying sucks.
Even if it takes you 6 hours to drive to McCauley, I doubt you can get to SLC faster door to door when you factor in getting to and from the airport, checking in, going through security, waiting for your flight, boarding, getting your bags and skis etc.

I agree flying sucks.
guys guys ...lets not compare skiing in SLC to McCauleys...
Also a lot of those types that would buy into this private club don't fly like the rest of us. The plane leaves when they want and the rental car is waiting at the plane when you get off.
I guess Harvey has this type of access. ;)

When I fly to SLC it takes 5:30 just for the flight. I can't just tell United to stop effing around and jack up the throttles on the engines.:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
It is about having your kids ski most weekends and Windham is about 2 hours closer (or more) than Mt Snow/Stratton/Okemo. Windham should be empty on weekends if the plan works. How much is that worth? The Europe/West ski vacations are for school breaks.
Well, they better start a bad ass race program and school to complete that package.
I don't get killing the mountain biking. There's some real dirtbag prejudice in that decision. But they just took a kid/summer activity away. Even Deer Valley has a long history of race events. And those people ain't dirtbag.
Well, they better start a bad ass race program and school to complete that package.
They wont need a school, all those parents who join the Windham Club are already spending as much as they can on private schools in NYC and the surrounding suburbs. They want their kids to know how to be financial tycoons, not low points racers.