Windham Mountain Going Private?

I just don't see this working out. I have two friends who could easily afford the membership. One of them skis for a week in Europe every year. They both belong to rather exclusive golf country clubs. I know neither of them would never pay that for Windham even if they were 2 hrs. away. I just don't see that many people paying $175,000 plus annual dues to ski Windham.
How many small businesses will go under before the Windham Mountain Club does?
I just don't see that many people paying

How many members will they need?

Everybody needs a solution to the future, especially in the Catskills.

Laz is renting his mountain on weekdays, Belle is developing a reputation for snowmaking (stealing it from Hunter), Hunter is doing the Vail thing. Windham is moving towards private.
know neither of them would never pay that for Windham even if they were 2 hrs. away. I just don't see that many people paying $175,000 plus annual dues to ski Windham.
This is akin to wondering why people pay a fuck ton to go to the Hamptons when there are nicer beaches in the Caribbean. Time is money. And like the Hamptons, it's more about the circle jerk then the actual beach or slope. Will the Windham Mountain club have a heliport?
I don't get that. Considering that Goldman is one big dick waving contest from the day you're hired, how is Windham going to impress at the holiday party, when partners swap stories about skiing with royalty in Europe or heli adventures?
It is about having your kids ski most weekends and Windham is about 2 hours closer (or more) than Mt Snow/Stratton/Okemo. Windham should be empty on weekends if the plan works. How much is that worth? The Europe/West ski vacations are for school breaks.
This is akin to wondering why people pay a fuck ton to go to the Hamptons when there are nicer beaches in the Caribbean. Time is money. And like the Hamptons, it's more about the circle jerk then the actual beach or slope. Will the Windham Mountain club have a heliport?
I can be skiing in SLC in the time it takes me to drive to McCauley. Why do people do stuff? Because it makes sense to them.

Time is money, is a fact.

Flying sucks is an opinion (that I hold). Flying with ski stuff sucks even more.

People telling other people what they "should" like to do, doesn't make any sense to me.

Personally I cherish the things I like, that aren't popular, even more. Small NY mountains, nordic skiing, and fixed grip chairs come to mind right off the bat.