Windham Mountain Going Private?

I wonder. What's the demographics of kids that are in the K or Stratton school? The parents aren't poor or middle class I'll bet. Sort of in the league of tennis camps, which is a well documented neurotic way to force the kids to be what the parents never were. Sure, some parents want the kids to follow in finance, but some families are so wealthy and comfortable, I'll bet, that they think it's cool to make another Bode or Shiffrin.
SMS (Stratton) will accept the local money amount that the town pays for kids to go to high school, but it only covers about 1/3 of the full term for a day student. There is financial aid and scholarship available. However, there are a boat load expenses that are related to races(travel, fees, insurance, licenses, eqpmt, etc) that are not in the tuition.

SMS seems to be one of the greatest ways to really flush cash and, if you have to pay for SMS, your kid is not going to be the next Bode or Shiffrin.

From what I understand, and I'm not a mountain biker these days, Killington has been pretty successful with it.
Killington has 30 trails and likely the most vertical of any lift access MTB park in the east, you can also camp for free in their lot which has been a big benefit for drawing people to Thunder Mountain at BE as well. Lift access MTB is a weird activity in terms of its draw. I actually drive up to Windahm at least twice a year to ride Elm Ridge but would never think about riding the lift on the mountain. There was definitely a time prior to the Club that the town of Windahm was trying to put their flag in the ground as a destination bike location with the lift access, casual path in town and Elm Ridge for trail riding but it all fell apart pretty quick when a landowner yanked public access to one of the areas most popular trails.

If you live anywhere in Jersey you've got at least 4 different riding areas within 30 minutes drive time plus Mountain Creek for lifts. If you live in the Boston burbs its similar with Highland for lift access, the New Haven, Hatford metro has Powder Ridge. That leaves maybe the Albany area for Windahm but at that rate why wouldn't you just go to Thunder or KMart or the many excellent free trail areas across southern Vermont or Western Mass. Lift access has never worked in the Cats, not saying it couldn't but Hunter has tried and failed and Plattekill gave it a go for many years but seemed to only make race weekend worth their while. You've got to invest a lot to create the draw, @raisingarizona can probably talk more specifically about cost but good trail construction is going to run at the very least $5-10 a foot, meaning on the low end Killington has at least $1.2m invested in just the initial trail build out and that is not including the upkeep.

Keep in mind, this is what people are expecting and willing to travel for,
Killington has 30 trails and likely the most vertical of any lift access MTB park in the east, you can also camp for free in their lot which has been a big benefit for drawing people to Thunder Mountain at BE as well. Lift access MTB is a weird activity in terms of its draw. I actually drive up to Windahm at least twice a year to ride Elm Ridge but would never think about riding the lift on the mountain. There was definitely a time prior to the Club that the town of Windahm was trying to put their flag in the ground as a destination bike location with the lift access, casual path in town and Elm Ridge for trail riding but it all fell apart pretty quick when a landowner yanked public access to one of the areas most popular trails.

If you live anywhere in Jersey you've got at least 4 different riding areas within 30 minutes drive time plus Mountain Creek for lifts. If you live in the Boston burbs its similar with Highland for lift access, the New Haven, Hatford metro has Powder Ridge. That leaves maybe the Albany area for Windahm but at that rate why wouldn't you just go to Thunder or KMart or the many excellent free trail areas across southern Vermont or Western Mass. Lift access has never worked in the Cats, not saying it couldn't but Hunter has tried and failed and Plattekill gave it a go for many years but seemed to only make race weekend worth their while. You've got to invest a lot to create the draw, @raisingarizona can probably talk more specifically about cost but good trail construction is going to run at the very least $5-10 a foot, meaning on the low end Killington has at least $1.2m invested in just the initial trail build out and that is not including the upkeep.

Keep in mind, this is what people are expecting and willing to travel for,
Yup. Bike park trail construction is probably much more then 10 dollars per linear foot. 9-10 is probably the best deal you may find for that 3-D flow trail build that actually drains.

The population centers, competition and Windham’s location and the difficulty with success makes a lot more sense to me after reading your post.
Well, at this point I may be talking out of my butt, but, I recently heard a term describing the latest trail design to satisfy the masses. I forgot it, but, it was sort of the equivalent of groomers in skiing, like blue to green groomers, and made sense to me. Platt had downhill way back when I actually messed around in MTB around Westchester, but, had a real gnarly rep, and I met more than one injured dude back from a visit. Even then, I thought, no thanks. Now, maybe, have they mellowed it out at places like K, but kept the fatal stuff for the crazies?
How does Windham compare to Waterville Valley NH ?

My thought is that WV has better snow than Windham, generally speaking. I skied at WV a couple times in the 2018-19 season. The second time the T-bar at the top was running. The triple on Green Mountain. was relatively new too. Spent half a day at Windham before heading to Platty in 2022.

WV felt like a taller mountain then Windham but not as spread out. The base lodge is much more basic. There is plenty of lodging but none of it is ski in/out. The lodging is a short shuttle bus ride away. Walking up from the parking lot is a pain. Feels more like classic New England on many of the trails. The high-speed quad that goes almost to the top means plenty of laps in a few hours in the morning for the seniors who are regulars. There is a senior "club" that runs Mon-Thu, complete with coffee/tea with a host and occasional special activities such as Intro to Uphill. Many clearly had adult children and grandchildren that were around on weekends.
It is about having your kids ski most weekends and Windham is about 2 hours closer (or more) than Mt Snow/Stratton/Okemo. Windham should be empty on weekends if the plan works. How much is that worth? The Europe/West ski vacations are for school breaks.
I think you nailed it. You could buy a mountain home at Stratton or Okemo and still have to deal with huge crowds on the weekend. No crowds. Short ride. That’s pretty nice. And I don’t think it’s really the billionaire with a helicopter that they are after. The Dr or lawyer pulling in $500k could easily swing this and if they put in a lot of hours the short ride is a major benefit.

I think you nailed it. You could buy a mountain home at Stratton or Okemo and still have to deal with huge crowds on the weekend. No crowds. Short ride. That’s pretty nice. And I don’t think it’s really the billionaire with a helicopter that they are after. The Dr or lawyer pulling in $500k could easily swing this and if they put in a lot of hours the short ride is a major benefit.

Yup. The majority of the target market doesn’t care that much about tons of powder skiing or killer terrain yada yada. They want convenience and community.

We’ve had total crap conditions here so far this year. I’ve skied for three hours since we opened the Friday before Thanksgiving but my daughter? She loves going up and hanging out with her friends. It’s not really all about the skiing for so many of ski area customers.

A more private and quiet Windham could provide a fun and safe community environment for more wealthy families from NY and NJ.