Whiteface Conditions

I was thinking Gore for Friday, warm, could help bring more trees into play.

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Come down?

WF still showing "snow" at elevation for Sat:

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I'm in!!! Send me a PM ... let me know when & where to meet you.

Great idea ... Thanks for suggesting it!
You guys doing this Friday or Saturday?

Not seeing much warm on Friday. Saturday may get to mid 30s, but things may stay firm for a while after teens overnight?
Exactly ... Under normal circumstances, when you ski Whiteface, you never go back to the bottom ... The only reason to do that is if you want to go to the main lodge for lunch, OR, if you want to ski the Wilmington Trail. This is one of the BEST things about the layout at Whiteface ... When all the lifts are running, especially if Hoyt's High and/or Lookout Below are open so you can lap the Lookout Triple, you can always find a lift that has a minimal wait, even on the most crowded days.
At the bottom of Wilmington, you can cut over to Freeway. I did that last Saturday, only to find....

You are correct Sir, that is a power/communications cable running across the ground and under the snow on the Whiteface Summit Quad liftline. Pity the fool that ducks that rope and gets snagged by that trip wire; Ouch!. Lots o' rocks under that snow; done there, been that.

Jus Sayin'

When was the last time you poached anything?????