Whiteface Conditions

A week ago sadly a skier died on the Approach little whiteface black diamond trail. Put a link in the “Helmets bro!" thread but have seen no further posts about the tragedy. State safe out there folks.
I just read that link, I don’t believe it mentioned if the skier was wearing a helmet or not. Regardless, what a tragedy. I really feel for that young man‘s family.
A week ago sadly a skier died on the Approach little whiteface black diamond trail. Put a link in the “Helmets bro!" thread but have seen no further posts about the tragedy. State safe out there folks.
Yeah, we saw this. Approach itself isn’t black diamond terrain, but is rated black diamond because that is all it leads to. The reports referenced “Upper Approach”, but the whole trail is pretty flat. Just goes to show that anyone can fall anywhere and if you are near the side of the trail bad thing can happen. Only 22 years old. A shame. Stay safe and keep it under control out there.
I just read that link, I don’t believe it mentioned if the skier was wearing a helmet or not. Regardless, what a tragedy. I really feel for that young man‘s family.
He was a hockey player and players know the importance of helmets. Prayers to him, his family and friends.
D.B., as for that air leak on Lower Sky, is that the same line that feeds the guns on Skyward between the Niagara intersection and Weber’s/Glen? They were pounding that section of Skyward yesterday.
Yeah, I think so because air was leaking when they were covering Sky/Niagara. The line might end or have a shutoff at Glen. I say that because there's often a gun under the lift, all alone. As you have to keep the water moving, there needs to be a gun at the end of the line. But I'll defer to engineers....:D

That said, snowmaking on Lower Sky today, to Glen/Weber's Way. Two guns on the last pitch of L. Parkway.
Perhaps it has to do with available terrain? WF now 68% open, whereas Gore is 43%. Hopefully as Gore gets more trails open availability will increase.
That is a lie. You are basing it off trail count, not acreage/mileage. A significant amount of Gore's counted trails are glades, and most of those are not open. If you count only snowmaking trails, Gore is far and away ahead of Whiteface which you'd know if you skied there. That is just an undeniable fact, and I'm not trying to allege incompetence by either management.

Total mountain capacity is more limited by lifts than anything. Resorts are trying to spread people out and avoid massive lines. It doesn't really matter how many trails are open off one lift, as long as there's enough open that people will want to ski that lift.
Whatever, Sno.

If the mountains can use expanded capacity as a basis on which to open up lift ticket availability they have to have a basis on which to measure the capacity. Open trail percentage is probably the easiest measure to use if they have to demonstrate capacity. Is it the best? You are right, probably not....but things are complicated enough. They could use open percentage of lifts, but WF is ahead of Gore there as well, 69% to 57%.

Either way, I’m just speculating that Gore probably needs to open more trails or more lifts if they are going to release more tickets, like WF did. I’m sure you will tell me I’m wrong, which I may be. I’m probably a moron, too. What you probably won’t do is tell me why it is Gore hasn’t released more tickets, if it’s not percentage of available trails/lifts open, as I speculate.
Once again you make inaccurate comparisons to fit your narrative. You're comparing weekday lifts, not weekend lifts which is what determines capacity. I don't understand what you're arguing for. Do want less terrain open? I'm arguing that Lookout is extremely important and should not be written off like you and DB support. That terrain is a big part of what keeps me coming back to Whiteface year after year after year.

Another thing you might not have known is that new HKD snow guns were installed on The Wilmington Trail last summer.