Whiteface Conditions

Once again you make inaccurate comparisons to fit your narrative. You're comparing weekday lifts, not weekend lifts which is what determines capacity. I don't understand what you're arguing for. Do want less terrain open?

Huh? If anyone can make sense of what Sno just said please fill me in. Thanks!

I have no narrative here, Sno. Obviously WF has some basis on which they justified releasing more lift ticket, whereas Gore is still currently limiting general sales to M-F non holiday. Apparently, to those as enlightened as you, it’s obvious that it has nothing to do with open trails or lifts? What then, pray tell us morons, is the reason?

I'm arguing that Lookout is extremely important and should not be written off like you and DB support. That terrain is a big part of what keeps me coming back to Whiteface year after year after year.
I haven’t written anything off. I’ve said multiple times that nothing would surprise me. That said, D.B.’s speculation that WF might not spend the money required to get Lookout open, in the midst of a challenging financial season, isn’t entirely crazy.

Sure, you want it. I guess we are all in this together, except Sno, who should get Lookout, even though it’s not needed to spread the non-existent crowds, because that is what keeps him coming back.

That said, I hope we get it too, but if we don’t it’s not the end of the world, although I’m sure you’ll have some reason why it obviously is....
I have no narrative here, Sno. Obviously WF has some basis on which they justified releasing more lift ticket, whereas Gore is still currently limiting general sales to M-F non holiday. Apparently, to those as enlightened as you, it’s obvious that it has nothing to do with open trails or lifts? What then, pray tell us morons, is the reason?
It pretty obviously has to do with demand. Gore has seen a ton of spillover from Vermont due to travel restrictions. ORDA pass sales are up this season, and while passes are valid at all 3, I believe much of that increase is people who are primarily visiting Gore. Despite having far more acreage and lift capacity, they are still unable to meet the demand.

None of this has to do with the fact that you and DB are out of your minds for thinking they shouldn't open Lookout.

I have no hard feelings on Whiteface at this time. I'm not boycotting it. I skied there 2 weeks ago. They're going to do what they're going to do, and I'll make next year's pass decision based on that. Looking at the current weather forecast, I strongly believe they will make a move for Lookout in the next week or so. There is no warm up or unfavorable pattern in sight.

While this is just speculation, I don't believe the snowmaking budget was cut at any of the ORDA mountains, nor are they close to hitting whatever it is. They had so few opportunities to make snow in November and December that they probably saved money.
None of this has to do with the fact that you and DB are out of your minds for thinking they shouldn't open Lookout.
Didn't say that. Said I can understand. 'Course I look at this from a private sector mind set.
While this is just speculation,
There's a legit acronym for estimating in the field in which I work. WAG. Wild ass guess. You just joined speculation club after giving me a hard time about the other day. ?
They had so few opportunities to make snow in November and December that they probably saved money.
Two sides to the equation, though. The money-coming-in side didn't fare as well as usual. Therefore, changes to the product and/or increase the deficit/debt.
Theyre making snow on Lies and Rumor..thats a good thing. This is my first season skiing Gore..really like it..even though its a 4 hour drive each way. My go to Mt used to be Hunter..
Now I just have to get up to WF. Been a while..
How often (and for how long) do you make the 4 hour drive to Gore? It’s three and a half for me to WF, which I gladly do for a weekend and will even do for the occasional day trip if there is a dump or The Slides are open.