Whiteface Conditions

Regarding masks, I use the masks from ”ski the east” and I don’t fog unless I am breathing extremely heavily. Everyone’s face is a little different, and what works for me might not for you, but FWIW no one in my family has complained about fogging.

It was very difficult to see on Saturday. The snow melting on my goggles combined with the flat light and 3d nature of the snow surface had me goggles up and squinting at times as well.
I didn’t have issues with goggles Saturday but my boys did. I don’t keep the mask on while skiing, so airflow during that time generally cleared up any light fogging during the lift line.

My boys make the cardinal sin. A little fog works in, then they fuck with their goggles. Taking your goggle off to ‘dry’ the in the middle of a snowstorm is a baaaaad idea!
Nice to have more terrain open. Skyward still had guns in the middle/left of the trail, with hoses that you were expected to side step or ski over. Not that big of a deal, but surprising considering all the safety measures I've heard about. They must need new hoses but don't have a clear justification yet to buy some. No snowmaking yesterday, none on the report this a.m. I don't know where they would go next. I wouldn't be surprised if they stop a bit early this year. I'm sure they've lost some dough this year.

Thruway has been great recently. A number of trails being poached - Lower Sky, Parkway, even Empire. I wish they would do something with Parkway to get it open. Maybe one of the planned new lifts can service it better and/or they change the exit so you don't "run into" a long snow fence. For example, moving the Freeway mid station further up, near the start of Thruway. That would open up some great intermediate terrain.
Today, we started to do skyward, but we quickly noped out of there after we could barely see our skis due to the wind and snowmaking. The wind definitely moved the snow around, as well as making it significantly colder. There were very few people skiing, and it felt like we had the mountain to ourselves. The stretch of mountain run directly under the lift had a lot of nice soft snow. Favorite run for us was mackenzie (it was too cold for me to take pics, but my son and I did make the instagram feed).
Agree with Mackenzie as run of the weekend. We lapped Skyward (skiing the gun pow was excellent) all afternoon, until I made Mac my last run.
Um Essex, Lower Skyward, all of Lookout? Do those even exist to you? How could you, as a Whiteface regular, have forgotten that Lookout exists 12 years later? Seriously?
I don't think they'll do Lower Sky because of the air leak in the pipe. Seems like a hazard to me. Lookout is a serious investment that I don't know that they would do. Maybe Essex or U. Northway. As I said, I think they shit things down early. Based on no inside info whatsoever.
So you're making projections with no idea what you're talking about. As for Lookout, they need the lift if they want to sell more tickets.
As for Lookout, they need the lift if they want to sell more tickets.
The expectation of passholders is, and should be, that the lift will open at some point during a normal year. This year is different, e.g. capacity limits, so to say that tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars to make snow on Lookout is justified by additional lift ticket purchases alone.....well, that doesn't make sense.

And yes, I am speculating, so you're not far off in saying I don't know what I'm talking about.
This year is different, e.g. capacity limits, so to say that tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars to make snow on Lookout is justified by additional lift ticket purchases alone.....well, that doesn't make sense.
Opening more terrain and lifts increases their capacity you moron. Are they not sold out of tickets every weekend?