Whiteface Conditions

Could someone offer a comparison between trails serviced by Gore's Cub Quad and Whiteface's Falcon lift? Whiteface is a longer drive for me but I am enticed by the descriptions of the Bear Den Lodge. I like and need Gore's Lower Sunway trails. Will I find similar trails at Whiteface off the Falcon Lift? And get to enjoy the convenience of the Bear Den Lodge.:)

Once Whiteface opens Easy Street - you could access Falcon Flyer, The Notch, The Facelift and Warhorse - 4 separate lifts all serving green trails. You can do this from Bear's Den or the main lodge. That is pretty wide coverage all around the base of the mountain. I don't remember enough of Gore to give a comparison.
The reservoir is on the current UMP. I don't know if it's been approved though and that could be tough around here
There’s a long discussion of WF snowmaking system in the 2004 UMP Volume I available online.

Their current system appears to have some of the upgrades recommend.
WF 2022 Amended UMP has this:
WF has some kind of major snowmaking issue. Big weekend coming up and they are trying to fudge the trail count, looks desperate. Showing my favorite now open, Valvehouse Road and Connector which goes from Excelsior to Victoria, but Victoria isn't open? I know it's pretty much all we have up here but man it can be frustrating. Was the money spent on The Notch chair worth it?
A year old WF snowmaking article.
Thank a snowmaker.
The Falcon lift at Whiteface has very similar difficulty trails to those off of Gore's Bear Cub Quad.

Falcon Flyer is 249 ft vertical and 1674 ft long. That works out to be an average slope of 15%.

Bear Cub Quad is 226 ft vertical and 1914 ft long. That's an average slope of 12%.

Both lifts serve terrain with very consistent slopes (no steep parts).

Give Whiteface a try. I don't think you'll be disappointed.
My initial impression was the trails off Falcon would not have the "mix" of skiers that Bear Cub Quad has. Cub Quad trails have some pretty fast traffic from above on Sunway. A couple of jumps had already been created at Pole 6. I liked the winding trail feel of the Cub Quad trails. Not sure I would like the straight down trail under Falcon lift.... otter?
This season has been frustrating, but I think there are a few things being overlooked.

First, there was no snow after the storm before new year. We were there 12/29 - 1/1 and they got washed out. On 12/29 there was no sign of snow except for where they had consolidated to keep things open. Instead of Christmas week it was more like the week or so after Thanksgiving.

Second, with the new lift they have moved things around and need to blow snow in a different pattern. Moving the terrain parks to the lower mountain and developing between Boreen and Bear Den change how they need to open. They have to spend more time on lower mountain areas.

I don't think that there is a coverup about snowmaking issues. This has been a tough year. It seems like everything is a month behind. It looks like they have turned the corner on the lower mountain and now are starting a more traditional upper mountain: Moving towards Victoria, Wilderness, etc....
My initial impression was the trails off Falcon would not have the "mix" of skiers that Bear Cub Quad has. Cub Quad trails have some pretty fast traffic from above on Sunway. A couple of jumps had already been created at Pole 6. I liked the winding trail feel of the Cub Quad trails. Not sure I would like the straight down trail under Falcon lift.... otter?
I haven't been since The Notch lift opened this year, so I can't speak to the current skier mix. But I would guess that the difference in skier mix is pretty minor. Most intermediate skiers at Gore don't go all the way down Lower Sunway because the bottom is so flat.

Likewise, the skier mix at the trails under the Falcon lift is likely to consist mostly of beginners or people who want very gentle terrain. Like Lower Sunway, there are better parts of Whiteface to lap if you want more challenging terrain.