What is your dream?

45 minute commute would bum me out. that is a lot of time you are never getting back
Yes I lose time. But you can use it well (not ideal) depending on mode of transport. I read a lot and do some work.
I like having some real distance between work and play. I don't think 45 minutes would be enough for me to decompress from city mentality to a more country state of mind.

I could use a driver. You decompress (?) I sleep!?
45 minute commute would bum me out. that is a lot of time you are never getting back
What else to ya have to do?
Sleep? Ehh it’s over rated.
The commute has allowed me to develop a level of anger that most won’t experience.
My mechanic has “anger is a gift” tattooed on his forearm.
It is a gift.
45 minute commute would bum me out. that is a lot of time you are never getting back
Hardest part of my job was the white knuckled driving 690 in lake effected whiteouts thru The Cuse for 35 years.
With good roads it was ~25 min.
With heavy wet snowy roads it was a long white shitshow.
When ya got on site, the sidewalks were plastered with salt. It eats shoes.
I know I contributed to the drift, but a humble request to keep this awesome thread on track . . . . : )
I know I contributed to the drift, but a humble request to keep this awesome thread on track . . . . : )
The new pup wakes himself up by wagging his tail when he’s dreaming.
"You can learn a lot just by watching". Yogi Berra.
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It is like people moving out of NYC to NJ always wanting a 45 min commute and good schools plus a house on a 1/2 acre for $350k.:ROFLMAO:
Housing in NJ is outta control. I can't tell you how many people come into the store and their mobile numbers have NYC area codes. When you paid $1 million for a Brooklyn apartment and you see a house for sale in the burbs for $1.25 million, with a yard for the kids, and a modicum of privacy, it's over.
45 minute commute would bum me out. that is a lot of time you are never getting back

For many years, I had a 45 minute commute one way. For me, returning from one suburb to another suburb and immediately having to cook dinner didn't decompress.
Housing in NJ is outta control. I can't tell you how many people come into the store and their mobile numbers have NYC area codes. When you paid $1 million for a Brooklyn apartment and you see a house for sale in the burbs for $1.25 million, with a yard for the kids, and a modicum of privacy, it's over.

For many years, I had a 45 minute commute one way. For me, returning from one suburb to another suburb and immediately having to cook dinner didn't decompress.
Darn it I am in, my hypocrisy be darned. Good post.

On housing - where the heck can you even pay 1m in Brooklyn for an apartment? Maybe in 2009 . . . .

One thing I like about my commute - I walk a minimum of 2 minutes (did it less than that when I forgot something) max 5 to my light rail; relatively short train ride of about 35 min where I can do a number of things; and then either walk to work or take a subway. Subway for bad weather or when I am working out more and too sore to walk a bit. Yes people can be cranky in Penn or Grand Central but you have some control over what you do in that time.

Best to all. I gotta go walk to my train : )