Uphill Battle

Policies are key and so is enforcement. Take the no sledding policy for example. It all starts at an early age. We should make examples of the children who steal lunch trays and slide down the mountain. Charge them with theft and trespassing so that they don’t grow up to be their full moon skiing parents
I've been skiing Gore for 50 years, and I have friends there. My low opinion of ORDA is relatively recent. In the past their mistakes were mostly amusing, or at the worst inconvenient. They have acheived a whole new level of fuck up this year, and it's irreversible.

This post really resonated with me ... I've been skiing Whiteface for 17 years (so not a much experience as MM) and there's no doubt in my mind, things have really changed (not for the better), over the last 3 or 4 years ... pretty much coinciding with Ted Blazer's retirement and Mike Pratt being named CEO of ORDA. The focus has clearly changed ... it used to be about the skiing (not to say there weren't problems before, but the skiing was always the point) ... now it's about amenities. I noticed today that they're putting in EV charging stations at Whiteface ... that's great ... how about a snowmaking system that actually works?
This post really resonated with me ... I've been skiing Whiteface for 17 years (so not a much experience as MM) and there's no doubt in my mind, things have really changed (not for the better), over the last 3 or 4 years ... pretty much coinciding with Ted Blazer's retirement and Mike Pratt being named CEO of ORDA. The focus has clearly changed ... it used to be about the skiing (not to say there weren't problems before, but the skiing was always the point) ... now it's about amenities. I noticed today that they're putting in EV charging stations at Whiteface ... that's great ... how about a snowmaking system that actually works?
Oh boy, don't get me started on this. Same thing happened at my home hill, Greek Peak, when they built the Hotel. The ski side crumbled. Thankfully it's coming back.
Oh boy, don't get me started on this. Same thing happened at my home hill, Greek Peak, when they built the Hotel. The ski side crumbled. Thankfully it's coming back.
I'm glad that things have turned around there ... I just don't know if or when that's going to happen at Whiteface. I don't think it will ever happen with the current management team at ORDA. I'm definitely starting to reconsider my plans and options for the future. It may no longer be "the Face" for me.
Milo Maltbie said:
My Florida relatives actually hate poor people, and are endlessly offended to see a poor person enjoy anything, but that's not me.

This is so sad. How does anyone grow up to be like this?
It's simple.
As a child, if you have enough bad experiences with specific individuals, you may attribute those experiences to a particualer group. An intelligent adult will recognize the circumstances of another person's life are unknowable, that communication is always difficult, and that it is the individual, not the group, that is ultimately responsible. That all takes mental enrgy, but as you get old, energy declines and you revert to your smaller, fearful lizard brain. Denial of your own mortality causes you to transfer your fear of death to the groups you feared as child. The process is accelerated in places like Florida where almost everyone is experiencing the same decline. The best hope of a happy old age is to avoid Florida, and spend more time with your grandchildren.

FWIW I've reached an advantced age, and that's the context you should read all my posts in.

My low opinion of ORDA is relatively recent. In the past their mistakes were mostly amusing, or at the worst inconvenient. They have acheived a whole new level of fuck up this year, and it's irreversible.

This is true. A whole lot of money for capital expenditures, but nothing for operations. Chronic shortage of liftie and snow makers, projects that are not well thought out (burst pipes, "new" pumps that don't work).....I could go on.

About the only thing they seem to have done well with is the new mid station. I think people were surprised that drywall/taping/painting was NOT being done during Christmas week.
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Milo Maltbie said:
My Florida relatives actually hate poor people, and are endlessly offended to see a poor person enjoy anything, but that's not me.

It's simple.
As a child, if you have enough bad experiences with specific individuals, you may attribute those experiences to a particualer group. An intelligent adult will recognize the circumstances of another person's life are unknowable, that communication is always difficult, and that it is the individual, not the group, that is ultimately responsible. That all takes mental enrgy, but as you get old, energy declines and you revert to your smaller, fearful lizard brain. Denial of your own mortality causes you to transfer your fear of death to the groups you feared as child. The process is accelerated in places like Florida where almost everyone is experiencing the same decline. The best hope of a happy old age is to avoid Florida, and spend more time with your grandchildren.

FWIW I've reached an advantced age, and that's the context you should read all my posts in.

mm, Ya explained another "uphill battle" pretty well.
It appears you’re not to the lizard brain part yet, so ya got that goin for ya.
Skiing and getting exercise is great for the mind and body.

Guest Opinion: Belleayre Ski Center Expansion​

Posted on June 25, 2013 by Laszlo Vajtay

This is a great reminder about how things operate in NYS and by extension, ORDA. This article is 7.5 years old and there is zero going on to add trails/lifts to connect Highmount to Belleayre or build any of the proposed real estate. Belleayre has received some updates as they added the wacky Cuomo gondola and a trail to connect it to the lower mountain. Belleayre also got a much needed update to the Discovery Lodge and the double lift replacement/FGQ addition to the lower mountain.

Interesting how the ski area development in the article has yet to materialize. Is anybody really surprised?