Uphill Battle

Sad how all east coast skiing hopes and dreams are crushed by climate change.

Anyway, about the thread drift and I'm trying to stay optimistic (quixotic) here... my takeaway is that ORDA, as a public agency, has a responsibility to promote health, fitness, and recreation and in theory should be responsive to it's constituency. So, how can skiers get Belleayre and Gore to permit uphill travel? Letter writing? Petitions? Stand in? Rioting (JK, too soon)?

I for one don't mind paying for an uphill pass but I think they should be reasonably priced.
The whole uphill battle thing always reminds of this funny clip of our snow sliding brethren and how they were largely misunderstood. I’m sure for a lot of people they still are.https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XPZDEWBzneY
Boarders had an uphill battle too. I heard a story this week that the family who owned Lab son went to, at the time a competitor, Song to snowboard due to Lab’s prohibition at the time. Now ya see more boarders ar Lab than Song, most likely due to less traversing needed.
So many people underestimate that place. Great when it’s a good day but easy to have it turn bad