Uphill Battle

Ask yourselves - Why is there zero advertising for Gore in NYC Metro area? Are there no skiers in the NYC Metro area?

We are in north NJ. It takes us a little over 3 hours to get to Gore (Plattekill 2:05, Mt Snow/Stratton are 3:30). Gore is the largest ski area in NYS. Over the years I have seen ads in NYC for Whiteface (of course), Hunter, Windham, Mt Snow, Stratton, Killington, Sugarbush, yet ZERO for Gore. Gore needs to be promoted. The proof is in the attendance -Gore has had roughly 215k visits/season since 2002, despite the lift/lodge updates, doubling in size, and 95% snowmaking plus plenty of water from the Hudson River. Who is responsible for zero increase in the amount of visits to Gore? Gore is supposed to be an economic engine for the North Creek area. That is one of the main reasons for all the NYS money spent on the expansion.

Until the Governor of NY recognizes ORDA's failure at Gore, nothing will ever change in North Creek.

It is not the lack of lakes. Within 20 miles of North Creek - Loon Lake(10), Friends Lake(14), Schroon Lake(14), Brant Lake (18), Indian Lake (18), Lake George Village at the bottom of Lake George is 25 miles, and Bolton Landing on Lake George is 29 miles.
So 13 years later and still nothing happening? I've ridden my MTB at the ski bowl a few times in recent years, never saw anything related to development. I actually didn't even know about this until I read this thread tonight. I'm not as in tune to happenings around gore as I am to those in LP. How did this get state/APA/etc approval? I thought it was very difficult to develop something like this in the ADKs...? Never expected Gore or Whiteface to have a "slope side village"...I guess some aspects of it could be cool., others not so much. VT has plenty of ski area base development...a major appeal to the ADKs (for me at least) has been the more no frills aspect of it..even though the "old days" (late 80s/90s mostly for me when I was a little kid skiing here with my family) have changed a bit at both places (new lodges/lifts/etc etc)

Think this "village" will ever reach it's full build out. 5 hotels...sounds like could be an eye sore.
MIke, This project has full APA approval and NYS (through Betty Little) spent $5M putting in the connector lift to help facilitate the project. Even though Front Street developers didn't have to put any $$$s into the ski area they still can't make a go of this. But the Governor also gave his stamp of approval for the ACR in Tupper Lake. I guess political ambition plays a little role when it comes to supporting so called "private" development/job creation. Even when they know deep down these project have little chance of success.
It is not the lack of lakes. Within 20 miles of North Creek - Loon Lake(10), Friends Lake(14), Schroon Lake(14), Brant Lake (18), Indian Lake (18), Lake George Village at the bottom of Lake George is 25 miles, and Bolton Landing on Lake George is 29 miles.

It certainly isn't THE reason but imo it plays a big part. The places my wife and I go to we get a place right on the lake that is close enough to walk to restaurants and bars. NC, I love the place, but it doesn't have that.
It certainly isn't THE reason but imo it plays a big part. The places my wife and I go to we get a place right on the lake that is close enough to walk to restaurants and bars. NC, I love the place, but it doesn't have that.
Exactly. Why would someone want to stay in NC and drive half an hour (give or take) to access a lake.....when they can just stay by one of the lakes?? Sure, if NC was a hopping spot otherwise MAYBE people would be tempted....but it’s not. Just stay in LP, where there is plentiful lodging right on several lakes....
lack of lake, sure.
But I think an affordable condo development right in NC (across from the train depot) on that empty lot would be a solid springboard to greater things. Folks could stay right there, in town. Walk to a few shops and eateries. Ride their bike (road or mtn). Easy access to gore. Hiking trails nearby. My thought was always if you could get ~20+ units in there, that starts to drive some foot traffic right in the downtown--providing more demand for stuff. Grows from there.

I'm with Harv--I like NC. Quiet and quaint. We're right in town and love that convenience, but also want to see a few more evening options. But until there's more full time/2nd homers in downtown, it's a tough sell to grow it.

Even without the lake, there's a lot to offer right off main street between skiing, hiking, biking, rafting....or hell, just sitting around the fire pit. I like a lake as much as the next guy, but I get plenty of enjoyment and relaxation for about 30% of downtown LP homeprices....Value is key, too.

NC sees a surprising amount of traffic in the summer. Just not people staying after around 3p-4p.
Think about it. Route 28 bypasses around North Creek, therefore no exposure to the downtown area. People just drive on by. I have always heard that this was done by request of the community many years ago. The only other Adirondack community I can think of that the State highway does not go through is Raquette Lake. There is even less going on there than in North Creek.
People want ski in ski out even if it’s on a bullshit real estate trail and disjointed interconnect. I hope it does help with NC and not just be utilized for a couple weeks a year and become a creepy little ghost condo village that is seen everywhere else the rest of the year
... a few shops and eateries. ..providing more demand for stuff. Grows from there.
I'm with Harv--I like NC. Quiet and quaint..., just sitting around the fire pit.
Here’s something good to do in North Creek.
Get some downhill darkside dark chocolate at Barkeaters Chocolate shop. Provides good energy and good vibes. It’s like being in a candy shop. Really.
Quite some drift.

One thing about "the lake" is that 13th Lake is spectacular. "But" it's wilderness. That keeps the water pristine and the lake is one of the most beautiful in NY. But it only drives commerce and visitation at a low level. Personally I'll take 13th all day long and be 100% fine with no nightlife. It's what I like. But it will never be a commerce engine.