Total Solar Eclipse coming to NY: April 8, 2024

I agree with this 100%.

I don’t see the attraction. I’m sure it’s neat-o and everything but I’m not going out of my way for it.'s a thought lets all bug out next weekend meet somewhere, buy a shiton of kewl t shirts and swag then drink some brewskis AND watch the Grass Grow 😀's a thought lets all bug out next weekend meet somewhere, buy a shiton of kewl t shirts and swag then drink some brewskis AND watch the Grass Grow 😀
Ever the cynic! While profiteering on the eclipse was rampant, in my sphere of eclipse-dom I didn’t see a single T-Shirt or bit o’ swag for sale. That, and analogies don’t get much more apples to oranges than saying a total eclipse is the equivalent of watching grass grow, if that is what you are saying.

I respect Camp’s comment about the exhilaration of taking down a Buck, even if hunting isn’t for everyone. For fishermen/women snagging a Trout can be the same. Bucks and Trout are a wee bit better than the grass analogy, though still not apropos analogies, I don’t think. Does scarcity not drive value? Grass and Buck and Trout see kind of a dime a dozen compared to totality of an eclipse, perhaps.

This thread is certainly interesting, everyone looking to justify their decision to see/not see the eclipse in its totality!
I’m a bit jealous of CTG scoring big powder days and the eclipse on the same trip. If I had originally scheduled Texas I probably would have bailed and gone to a Northeast ski area like Powderchaser Steve.

And trackbiker had it exactly right as I recommended before. Traffic before the eclipse is usually gradual as people arrive at different times. And if you have a place to stay close the night after you will have no problems leaving the next day.
I’m a bit jealous of CTG scoring big powder days and the eclipse on the same trip. If I had originally scheduled Texas I probably would have bailed and gone to a Northeast ski area like Powderchaser Steve.
Ain’t gonna lie, it was a hell of a great four days!! Where was Steve, northern Vermont I assume?
Steve was at Sugarloaf because the Vermont forecast was deteriorating a little bit. Cloud forecasting is difficult. The cloudiness from western NY could have moved in faster. In 2017 Nebraska was predicted to be the cloudy state but weather moved faster than expected so Missouri was the state that actually got skunked.

Fortunately that did not happen this time. We have read several great reports from both NY and VT sides of Lake Champlain including a bunch of Liz’ NYC ski acquaintances in the Swiss Ski Club.

This was a little after 5:00, an hour after the eclipse ended (totality +2 hours). It was a close call in the ADKs!!