Total Solar Eclipse coming to NY: April 8, 2024

From what I can see, Campgottagopee isn't saying that an eclipse wouldn't be interesting to witness. Rather that HE doesn't want to go through the PITA to see it.
I don’t bet, but I’d wager if a total eclipse came to his tree stand during the rut he’d sit through it. Deer like to move at dawn and dusk and a dang eclipse isn't gonna stop a buck in rut.
I guess I'm a little surprised at Warp daddy, being a former educator, pooh poohing it so much. Maybe some kid who saw it will be inspired to be the next Carl Sagan, or Neil DeGrasse Tyson.
I've read more than a few stories of the traffic nightmares for people who drove home Monday afternoon/night. But every one of them said it was worth it and they'd do it all over again.
(I guess I better stop reading forums and actually get some work done today! ;) )
This thread is certainly interesting, everyone looking to justify their decision to see/not see the eclipse in its totality!
I don't think anyone needs to justify their decision to see the eclipse, or not. What I don't understand is my man Tony telling me I'm not qualified to know what I like or not. That seems a bit odd to me. I've never played video games either, and I don't need to play one to know I don't like them.....LoL
I don’t bet, but I’d wager if a total eclipse came to his tree stand during the rut he’d sit through it. Deer like to move at dawn and dusk and a dang eclipse isn't gonna stop a buck in rut.
My point is I don't understand all the excitement over it. I was on my deck, had my glasses, and was ready to take it all in. Unfortunately it was cloudy AF and all it did was get dark. Do I wish I could've seen more of it? Yep, but from my deck and not driving around with the masses.
This was a little after 5:00, an hour after the eclipse ended (totality +2 hours). It was a close call in the ADKs!!
Y’all got then what we had earlier. Thought about going to the bump behind my house when there were still light shadows existing, but saw the cloud cover coming and figured it be more fun to go to my brother’s and hang with the hounds there. Brought down a couple colanders and a pair of eclipses glasses which were useless. Twas fun.
Total eclipses are inanimate objects.
How the sunlight interacts with our orbs (moon & earth) is amazing.

I wonder if the folks who studied this one are gonna find out anything new.
Tony & Liz’s pics of prominences are better than the one in Nature.
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I like seeing the creative photography from the event. Still ain't going out of my way for it though. But I'm the guy that won't drive across town to go somewhere when I can just walk from my house for something similar but maybe not as attractive. I like things simple I guess and I think life is too short to spend much time in traffic or lines.

Different strokes tho, that's what keeps this world interesting. If we were all the same this whole living thing would be a pretty lame experience.

I don't think we are poo poo-ing yours experiences, we are just shooting the poo and killing time. :D
I don't think we are poo poo-ing yours experiences, we are just shooting the poo and killing time. :D
I hear ya. For you, Camp, and others, although you don’t know/don’t care what you might have missed, you know given your proclivities that it wasn’t worth your time to chase. No poo-pooing there. Warp, equating it to watching grass grow…maybe a little poo-pooing?! :p
I guess I'm a little surprised at Warp daddy, being a former educator, pooh poohing it so much. Maybe some kid who saw it will be inspired to be the next Carl Sagan, or Neil DeGrasse Tyson.
I've read more than a few stories of the traffic nightmares for people who drove home Monday afternoon/night. But every one of them said it was worth it and they'd do it all over again.
(I guess I better stop reading forums and actually get some work done today! ;) )

I drove home from western Ohio after Ny weather was a bust . We plugged in our destination home “5:05” lol the first three hours time went backwards. We left at 4:30 and got home at 1 am .

Making tentative plans for Spain or Iceland in August of 26 . I feel like I’ve joined a cult Lol !