Total Solar Eclipse coming to NY: April 8, 2024

Yurp usually takes the month of August off ... the Spanish ’26 eclipse is in August.
Greenland? Iceland? Nice boat?
@Ripitz could maybe guide for TheNewYorkSkiBlogMagazineForum thingy🍺 contingent for the total ’26 eclipse in Greenland if folks are up for it.
Folks found a lost airplane 250 feet under the ice.
Should be able to find a dang total eclipse for folks. It’s in the summertime too.
I'm not trying to answer for Harv in any sort of way but I gotta say that the older I get the less moves like that are on the table. I mean, I could but I'm gonna pay for it!
I worry about falling asleep and crashing.

This season was ALL about the night before for me. I got in position at a reasonable hour and then slept.
IDK... I saw easily a dozen FB posts with fotos of horror show traffic on the Northway and Route 73.
Chumpo said 3 hours added to a 4 hour ride.

Normally I'd consider 1 hour added terrible, but for an eclipse, 3 seems reasonable.

I thought it would be much worse.
It's not percent of cloud, it's type of cloud.
If you told me that I blew it. Makes total sense.

It was all cirrus. Steadily getting thicker, and I saw a front of storms approaching from the west. NWS was calling North River, the no go zone on their map.

The front really never made it to eastern NY. By 4pm it had disappated.
The worst traffic was Keene to Albany. It got better, far from great but better, after that. It took three and a half hours to get to about Saratoga from Wilmington. That was leaving Wilmington at 7:40PM.
Ha, I should have waited. Wanted to, actually, but places I figured I could eat in Wilmington and Keene weren’t even open. Some restaurants missed a lot of revenue! So, having left the WF parking lot at 7:15 it took me 7 hours to get to Beacon. 5 hours to get to Albany, a little more than half of it to get to 87. Seems waiting a half hour would have made a difference. Oh, well. Not ever going to have another chance to see a total lunar eclipse from the summit of Whiteface!
Junior watched from the lakeshore too. He sent me this

View attachment 24519

From the Memorial Highway.
That was the coolest thing, besides the amazing eclipse I can now say seems to be impossible to photograph. It's the most amazing thing you can see with the naked eye in the sky. (The actual eclipse) There are stars and planets suddenly visible, too. The horizon of the shadow. It's all around you.
Ha, I should have waited. Wanted to, actually, but places I figured I could eat in Wilmington and Keene weren’t even open. Some restaurants missed a lot of revenue! So, having left the WF parking lot at 7:15 it took me 7 hours to get to Beacon. 5 hours to get to Albany, a little more than half of it to get to 87. Seems waiting a half hour would have made a difference. Oh, well. Not ever going to have another chance to see a total lunar eclipse from the summit of Whiteface!
So we did go through E Town and New Russia rejoining 73 at disfunction junction to get to 87. Sounds like that was the right call.
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  • Gore ski trip Sunday,
  • finished up roof repair job from log damage due to a winter windstorm Moonday morning
I was hyping it up to the roofers before they finished up.
The owner said it was awesome at his place near where Hiawatha lived...
Near the state ditch & Cross Lake NY.
~minute into totality pic he sent me... Middle of the afternoon.

Cross Lake is on The Seneca River that drains the finger lakes and flows north to Ozwego. Skaneateles Creek also drains into the place very near there.
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Ha, I should have waited.
disfunction junction
Usually it’s a 3.5 hour trip for us. Took us 5.5 from Keene to Beacon. Left at 9pm and was home at 2:30am. We were at the end of the line passing through disfunction junction. Slipitz is originally from LI so she thought the traffic was no biggy.